光要照在人群—-馬太福音5:14-15[你們是世上的光, 城造在山上, 是不能隱藏的.  人點燈, 不放在斗底下, 是放在燈台上, 就照亮一家的人.][釋義]有多少黑暗是我們自己造成的呢?當我們為世界的狀況憂心時, 你就是光明的使者, 把自己點燃起來見證主的名, 就能使世界多了一線亮光.  基督徒的地位如同建造在山上的一座城, 是顯明在世人眼前, 所以是不能隱藏的.  斗是木造的量器, 用於量取糧食, 它象徵生活的掛慮.  燈放在斗底下, 意思是信徒被生活的問題所扣住, 以致遮蔽了亮光.  燈臺是放置燈的正當器物, 它象徵見證主的生活.  14節的城是給城外的人看的.  15節的燈是給家人看的.  這表明基督徒的光, 不單能照亮人的外面, 還能照亮人的裏面.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 人人需要祢的憐憫和拯救!求主讓我們的生命像點燃的燈, 彰顯主的愛和平安在我們的心, 讓周遭的人看見祢給予我們的盼望.  主啊!幫助我們成為亮光, 好讓人能夠看見.  當我們努力面前的目標時, 有祢的恩典和愛.  活在世上不為了要適應黑暗, 而且要如明光照耀.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名. 阿們!

Let Your Light Shine Among People – Matthew 5:14-15 [You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.] [Explanation] How much of the darkness around us is caused by our own actions? When we feel troubled about the state of the world, remember that you are a messenger of light. Ignite yourself to bear witness to the Lord’s name, and you will bring a ray of light to the world. A Christian’s position is like a city built on a hill, visible to all and unable to be hidden. The “bowl” mentioned in the verse refers to a wooden container used to measure grain, symbolizing life’s worries. Placing a lamp under a bowl means a believer is trapped by the concerns of daily life, which obscures their light. A “lampstand” is the proper place for a lamp and symbolizes a life that testifies to the Lord. The city in verse 14 represents light for outsiders, while the lamp in verse 15 symbolizes light for those at home. This illustrates that a Christian’s light not only illuminates the external but also brings light to the internal. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, everyone needs Your mercy and salvation! Lord, may our lives be like a lit lamp, shining with Your love and peace in our hearts so that those around us can see the hope You have given us. Lord, help us to be lights in the world, showing others the way to You. As we strive toward the goals before us, may Your grace and love guide us. We do not live to adapt to the darkness but to shine brightly like stars in the world. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!