先改變自己—-哥林多前書8:2[若有人以为自己知道甚麼, 按他所當然知道的, 他仍是不知道.][釋義]每個人都想改變別人, 但是少有人會想到改變自己.  當你想改變世界時, 先調整自己吧!有一天你會發覺, 當自己調整好了, 世界也跟著改變了. 有限之人不能瞭解無限之神.  人即使具備了屬靈恩賜和知識, 如果沒有了愛, 知識和恩賜便都沒有價值.  何況人的知識無論如何廣博都是有限的, 只有神才是全知的.  我們有了知識, 就當注意主的話語對我們的造就, 對付, 指正, 光照及潔淨, 順著主的光照指引, 即會對我們的生命有所造就幫助.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們實在是可憐的人, 我們自大, 常常批評取笑別人的軟弱, 我們想改變別人, 改變大眾.  求主幫助我們, 我們要先改變自己, 學習謙卑良善, 愛人如己, 生活有美好的見證, 彰顯主的恩典, 我們才能影響別人, 造福社會.  求主加添力量給我們.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Change Yourself First – 1 Corinthians 8:2 [Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know.] [Explanation] Everyone wants to change others, but few think about changing themselves. When you desire to change the world, start by adjusting yourself. One day, you will realize that when you transform yourself, the world changes along with you. Finite humans cannot fully comprehend the infinite God. Even if a person possesses spiritual gifts and knowledge, without love, such knowledge and gifts are meaningless. Furthermore, human knowledge, no matter how vast, is limited—only God is all-knowing. When we gain knowledge, we should focus on how God’s Word builds us up, convicts us, corrects us, enlightens us, and purifies us. Following God’s guidance will nurture and help our spiritual growth. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we confess that we are weak and flawed. We are often arrogant, quick to criticize, and mock the weaknesses of others. We desire to change others and even society, yet fail to see our need for self-change. Lord, help us to change ourselves first. Teach us to be humble, kind, and to love others as ourselves. Let our lives bear a good testimony that reflects Your grace so we may positively influence others and bless our communities. Lord, give us the strength we need. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!