人何等渺小—-詩篇8:3-4[我觀看你指頭所造的天, 並你所陳述設的月亮星宿.  便說, 人算甚麼, 祢竟顧念他.  世人算甚麼, 你竟眷顾他?][釋義]求主賜給我們一顆謙卑的心, 因為萬物都是祂造的, 人是何等的渺小, 但卻又是何等的自大.  當我們看見神創造的奇妙偉大, 就會奇怪祂為何眷顧那常令祂失望的人.  當你自己的價值或感到自卑時, 記得著神看你是有極高價值的.  我們是極尊貴的, 因為我們有創造主的形象.  謙卑是正確地尊敬神, 而不是貶低自己的價值.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 我們那麼微小, 算不得什麼, 竟然還蒙神的眷顧, 使我們能夠成為祢的兒女.  求主幫助我們, 有颗謙卑的心, 俯伏在祢面前敬拜祢.  我們是祢所造的, 我們的一切也是祢的所賜的.  我們別無所誇, 只能誇神在我們身上救贖的恩典, 我們感謝祢的大愛, 願我們的生命能夠榮耀祢的聖名.  禱告是奉主耶稣基督的名, 阿們!

How Small Are We – Psalm 8:3-4 [When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them?] [Explanation] May the Lord give us a humble heart, for everything in creation was made by Him. Humans are so small, yet so prideful. When we see the greatness and wonder of God’s creation, we may wonder why He cares so deeply for people who so often disappoint Him. If you ever question your worth or feel inferior, remember that God sees you as incredibly valuable. We are esteemed because we bear the image of our Creator. Humility is about rightly honoring God, not devaluing yourself. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You. Though we are so small and insignificant, You still care for us and allow us to become Your children. Lord, help us to have humble hearts, bowing before You in worship. We are Your creation, and everything we have is from You. We have nothing to boast about except the redeeming grace You have shown in our lives. Thank You for Your great love. May our lives glorify Your holy name. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!