快聽慢說—-雅各書1:19-20[…你們各人要快快地聽, 慢慢地說, 慢慢地動怒.  因為人的怒氣並不成就神的義.][釋義]思想一下, 我是否常在別人的話裏, 投入自己的意思?而我們是否也經常根本沒聽到別人在說什麼, 就急忙的加上自己以為是的主意?快快的聽叫我們多認識神的心意而少惹神發怒.  慢慢的說可以少惹人發怒. 慢慢的動怒可以消除自己的怒氣. 義包括神的美善, 慈愛和憐憫.  神的義不容人的怒氣.  人也不能在怒氣中彰顯神的美善, 所以不可發怒, 免受責罰, 要有好行為才能榮耀神.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢創造我們五官俱疲全.  求聖靈引導我們, 有渴慕的心, 用我們的耳朵聆聽神的話語, 明白真道.  幫助我們控制我們的口, 不因一時的怒氣而發惡言, 因為這不是祢喜悅的.  使我們有耐心, 說造就人的說話.  禱告是奉主耶稣基督的名, 阿們!

Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak – James 1:19-20 [Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.] [Explanation] Reflect for a moment: do I often impose my own ideas on what others are saying? Or do I jump to conclusions without truly listening? Being quick to listen allows us to better understand God’s will and avoid provoking His anger. Being slow to speak helps us avoid stirring up anger in others. Being slow to anger helps to dispel our own wrath. God’s righteousness embodies His goodness, love, and mercy. Human anger cannot achieve or reflect God’s righteousness. Therefore, we should refrain from anger to avoid judgment and focus on good deeds that glorify God. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for creating us with all our senses. May the Holy Spirit guide us to have a heart that desires to hear Your Word and understand the truth. Help us control our tongues, so we do not speak harshly out of anger, as this does not please You. Teach us to be patient and to speak words that build others up. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!