不忘初心—-啓示錄2:4-5[然而, 有一件事我要責備你, 就是你把起初的愛心離棄了.  所以應當回想你是從哪裏墮落的, 並要悔改, 行起初所行的事.][釋義]許多事工開始的動機往往都是好的, 但在忙碌中, 我們卻忘記了起初神所托付的.  在不知不覺中, 私心進行來了, 自愛進來了, 愛主的心減少了.  不是絕對的不愛主, 乃是把起初那專一純屬潔的愛心離棄了.  在安靜中, 求主光照我們, 在手裏所作的工, 是否仍合神的心意.  求主再一次將起初的愛與異象加給我們.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢的慈愛, 時時牽引我們走在真道上, 不至於偏離.  在我們軟弱悖逆的時候, 求聖靈充滿我們, 提醒和警惕我們, 要持守起初的愛心.  要愛主更深, 事奉主的心, 也不懶惰, 要忠心事奉到見主面的時候.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Forget Your First Love — Revelation 2:4-5 [Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.] [Explanation] Many ministries often begin with pure and good intentions, yet amidst busyness, we may forget the original calling God entrusted to us. Without realizing it, selfishness and self-interest creep in, and the fervor of loving God diminishes. It’s not that we stop loving the Lord entirely, but the pure, wholehearted love we had at first is forsaken. In moments of stillness, let us ask the Lord to examine our hearts and reveal if the work of our hands still aligns with His will. May He reignite the first love and vision within us. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your steadfast love that continually guides us on the path of truth, preventing us from straying. In our moments of weakness and rebellion, we ask for the Holy Spirit to fill us, reminding and warning us to hold onto our first love. Help us to love You more deeply and serve You faithfully without growing weary, remaining diligent until the day we meet You. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!