不可驕傲—-彼得前書5:5[你們年幼的, 也要順服年長的.  就是你們眾人, 也要以謙卑束腰, 彼此順服.  因為神阻擋驕傲的人, 賜恩給謙卑的人.][釋義]年長的按原文和長老同字, 此處泛指年紀較大的信徒.  年幼與年長, 不僅限於實際年齡, 也可用於蒙恩年日的長短, 以及靈性的成熟程度.  以謙卑束腰按原文是穿戴謙卑, 意指約束自己, 在人面前顯出謙卑, 也含有用一種像僕人等候主人的態度, 接受別人指正的意思.  什麼是你的驕傲?什麼是你最自負的事?自以為義在上帝眼中其實是一個大罪, 我們所擁有的一切都是神的恩典賜給我們的. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢那麼愛我們, 將一切好處賜給我們.  我們所擁有的, 無論是我們整個的人或我們所有的物質, 也是神恩典所賜, 我們要感恩, 覺得榮幸而不是引以為傲.  求主使我們遵行祢的教導, 要尊重年長的, 學主耶穌的樣式, 做個謙卑的人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Be Proud — 1 Peter 5:5 [In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”] [Explanation] The term “elders” here, based on the original text, refers not only to those in positions of leadership but also to older believers in the community. The distinction between “younger” and “older” is not limited to physical age but can also refer to the length of time one has known the Lord and their level of spiritual maturity. To “clothe yourselves with humility” means to consciously adopt an attitude of modesty and submission, like a servant waiting upon their master, open to correction and guidance from others. What are you proud of? What do you take the most pride in? Self-righteousness is a significant sin in God’s eyes, as everything we possess is a gift of His grace. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for loving us so deeply and bestowing upon us every good thing. Everything we have, whether it be our entire being or the material possessions we hold, is a blessing from Your grace. May we respond with gratitude and regard it as an honor rather than a reason for pride. Help us to follow Your teachings, respect those who are older, and emulate the humility of our Lord Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!