凡事謝恩—-帖撒羅尼迦前書5:18[凡事謝恩, 因為這是神在基督耶穌裏向你們所定的旨意.][釋義]凡事感恩, 因為感恩帶來讚美, 讚美帶來喜樂, 喜樂帶來盼望.  在今天為每一件事感恩, 你會發現神所給你的恩典是恩上加恩.  常常喜樂, 在患難中也不例外.  不住地禱告, 與神經常保持親密交通.  凡事謝恩, 不問際遇苦樂, 環境順逆.  能行此三者, 才能真正過在基督裏的信徒生活.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝袮, 每一天生活中的遭遇, 發生的每一件事, 都是在神的眷顧和掌握中, 都有祢所賜的平安和保護, 使我們不受任何的災害.  我們要學習凡事謝恩, 因為不論順境或逆境都有主的同在, 都有主豐盛的恩典.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Give Thanks in All Things — 1 Thessalonians 5:18 [Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.] [Explanation] Give thanks in all things, for gratitude leads to praise, praise brings joy, and joy inspires hope. Take time today to be thankful for everything, and you will discover that God’s grace is abundant and overflowing. Rejoice always, even in times of trouble. Pray without ceasing, maintaining a close relationship with God. Give thanks in all circumstances, whether in joy or sorrow, prosperity or adversity. Only by practicing these three can one truly live the life of a believer in Christ. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for all that happens in our daily lives. Every event is under Your care and control, bringing peace and protection from harm. Teach us to give thanks in all circumstances, knowing that whether in good times or bad, Your presence is always with us, and Your abundant grace sustains us. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!