殘缺的也有作為—-詩篇73:26[我的肉體和我的心腸衰殘, 但神是我心裏的力量, 又是我的福分, 直到永遠.][釋義]當我們平日所依靠的一些東西一旦失去時, 我們的態度是如何呢?我們是否會感謝那試煉能加強我們對神的信心?身為神的兒女, 重大的壓力會產生非凡的信心, 也彰顯出神極大的恩典.  有缺漏的水桶, 能使路上開滿美麗的花朵.  當我們看待自己或別人時, 不要為某些看似不適合的缺漏而抱怨灰心. 要懇求神給予智慧, 讓每個人雖然不足, 卻能夠發揮無限的創意.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們曉得自己有很多的缺陷, 我們並不完美.  但是主祢並不輕看我, 祢要使我們的不足在祢裏面成為完全, 我們的軟弱在祢裏面成為剛強, 祢還是可以使用我們成為祢合用的器皿, 我們願意將自己交托給祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Even the Imperfect Can Be Used — Psalm 73:26 [My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.] [Explanation] When we lose the things we rely on in life, how do we respond? Do we give thanks for trials that strengthen our faith in God? As children of God, great pressure can produce extraordinary faith and reveal His abundant grace. A cracked water bucket can still water the path and make flowers bloom along the way. When considering ourselves or others, let us not complain or despair over apparent flaws or shortcomings. Instead, ask God for wisdom to transform imperfections into boundless creativity and purpose. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we acknowledge our many flaws and imperfections. We are not perfect, yet You do not despise us. Instead, You make our weaknesses perfect in You, and our flaws become strengths through Your power. We trust that You can still use us as vessels for Your purposes. We surrender ourselves to You, wholly and willingly. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!