神開新路—耶利米書32:17[主耶和華啊, 祢曾用大能和伸出來的膀臂創造天地, 在祢沒有難成的事.][釋義]耶利米買下亞拿突的那塊地, 懷疑自己所做的是否明智.  他在禱告中尋求擺脫自我懷疑的牢籠.  他在禱告中再度肯定上帝是創造的主, 是注目看透世人一切舉動的有智慧的審判者和拯救者.  上帝愛我們, 瞭解我們的情況.  如果自己懷疑上帝的智慧和祂的神蹟, 或者考慮跟從主是否實際, 那就得細心想想上帝是怎樣一位的神, 這樣的思考和禱告有助於我們排解疑難, 消除驚懼之心.  消極的人把機會當成困難, 積極的人把困難當成機會.  人生難免有黑夜, 有低潮, 但唯獨在此時, 才能看見星星有多美麗.  人的盡頭就是神的開始, 當無路可行時, 神必開新路.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是無所不在, 無所不知, 無所不能的神.  祢認識我們, 知道我們所經歷的高潮和低潮.  祢愛我們, 都陪我們度過這一切.  特別在我們灰心絕望, 心裏迷茫, 不知所措的時候, 祢的手扶持我們, 為我們開路, 度過難關.  我們感謝祢, 敬拜祢, 一生跟隨祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God Opens New Paths – Jeremiah 32:17 [Ah, Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You.] [Explanation] When Jeremiah bought the field in Anathoth, he questioned whether his decision was wise. In prayer, he sought to break free from the trap of self-doubt. Through prayer, he reaffirmed that God is the Creator, the wise Judge, and the loving Savior who sees and understands all human actions. God loves us and understands our circumstances. If you ever doubt God’s wisdom, His miracles, or whether following Him is practical, reflect deeply on who God is. Such meditation and prayer can help resolve doubts and dispel fear. While negative people see opportunities as obstacles, positive people see obstacles as opportunities. Life inevitably has its dark nights and low points, but it is precisely during these times that we can see how beautiful the stars truly are. When we reach the end of our strength, that is where God begins. When there seems to be no way forward, God will open a new path. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. You know us and understand the highs and lows we experience. You love us and walk with us through it all. Especially in moments of discouragement, despair, and confusion, when we feel lost and helpless, Your hand upholds us and makes a way through the challenges. We thank You, worship You, and commit to following You all our lives. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!