刺和梁木—-馬太福音7:3[為什麼看見你弟兄眼中有刺, 卻不想自己眼中有梁木呢?][釋義]刺是從木材上剝離的細小屑片, 梁木是粗大的木料. 刺只會叫人覺得傷痛, 梁木卻會壓死人.  在評判別人之前, 應先查看自己.  越認識自己的人, 越不敢隨便定罪別人.  很多時候我們老是以為別人有問題, 其實都是出在自己身上.  求主恩待我們, 不要急著去責備別人, 先靜下來思考一下, 話太急著說出去, 往往會造成難以彌補的傷害.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢教導我們要彼此相愛, 要愛人如己, 但是我們與人相處的時候, 常常只看到別人的短處和弱點, 又隨意論斷批評.  我們很容易彼此妒忌猜疑, 傷害彼此的關係.  求主赦免, 幫助我們先除去自己眼中的梁木, 才能夠除去對方眼中的刺.  使我們能夠與人和睦相處, 一同領受神的祝福.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Speck and the Plank – Matthew 7:3 [Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?] [Explanation] A “speck” refers to a small sliver of wood, while a “plank” is a large piece of timber. A speck may cause discomfort, but a plank is heavy enough to crush someone. Before judging others, we should first examine ourselves. Those who truly understand their own flaws are less likely to condemn others casually. Often, the problems we think others have actually originate within ourselves. May the Lord grant us grace to refrain from hastily blaming others. Instead, let us take time to reflect. Words spoken in haste often cause irreparable harm. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You teach us to love one another and to love others as ourselves. Yet, in our relationships, we often only see the faults and weaknesses of others and are quick to judge and criticize. We are prone to envy, suspicion, and actions that damage our relationships. Lord, forgive us and help us to first remove the plank from our own eyes so that we may clearly help remove the speck from others’ eyes. Teach us to live in harmony with others and receive Your blessings together. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!