保守你心—-箴言4:23[你要保守你心, 勝過保守一切, 因為一生的果效是由心發出.][釋義]心即心思或內在的生命.  心包括情感和意志.  心是人格的活動中心, 是知, 情, 意的根據地.  正確的想法, 健康的情緒及有價值的動機, 都會給心靈帶來平安.  保守是保護看守.  心胸狹窄的人自我而沒有喜樂, 心胸寬廣的人友善並常常喜樂.  安靜的思考, 你的選擇是一杯水, 還是一湖水?[禱告]親愛的天父上帝. 我們本來是自私又自我, 沒有盼望和喜樂的人, 但主耶穌將我們拯救出來, 賜我們新的心, 成為新造的人.  使我們有寬闊的心. 能夠包容和接納別人, 使我們人生充滿喜樂和盼望.  求主幫助我們, 常以敬拜, 團契, 禱告和讀經教育保守我們的心. 勝過保守一切.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Guard Your Heart – Proverbs 4:23 [Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.] [Explanation] The “heart” refers to our thoughts and inner life, including emotions and willpower. It is the center of one’s personality and the foundation of knowledge, feelings, and decisions. Correct thinking, healthy emotions, and valuable motivations bring peace to the heart. To “guard” means to protect and watch over. Narrow-minded people often live in self-centeredness and lack joy, while those with open hearts are friendly and full of joy. Take time to reflect: are your choices like a cup of water or a lake of water? A broader perspective brings more peace and contentment. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we confess that we were once selfish and self-centered, without hope or joy. But through Jesus Christ, You rescued us, gave us new hearts, and made us new creations. You have given us open hearts to embrace and accept others, filling our lives with joy and hope. Lord, help us to guard our hearts through worship, fellowship, prayer, and studying Your Word, above all else. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!