凡事謝恩—帖撒羅尼迦前書5:18[凡事謝恩, 因為這是神在基督裏向你們所定的旨意.][釋義]凡事指一切事, 無論大事或小事, 順境或逆境, 快樂或痛苦.  謝恩乃因基督徒的際遇, 都有神的美意, 為此向神獻上感恩.  每個人每天都有1440分鐘, 但只要花幾分鐘, 像魯賓遜漂流記一樣, 記下感恩的清單, 為自己所擁有的一切感恩. 你的人生將會變得完全不一樣.   [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 祢眷顾我們的生活, 使我們一無所缺.  即使在患難的時候, 祢仍然供應我們.  求聖靈提醒我們, 在富足的時候要感恩.  在困乏的時候, 也一様能夠看到神的供應而感恩.  因為祢的恩典奇妙. 在祢沒有絕路.  當我們凡事謝恩的時候, 處處都充滿活路.  我們獻上滿心的感恩, 因為這合乎祢的旨意, 是祢所喜悅的.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Give Thanks in All Circumstances – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 [Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.] [Explanation] “In all circumstances” means everything—whether big or small, in good times or bad, in joy or in suffering. Giving thanks is an act of faith because Christians trust that God has a good purpose in every situation, prompting us to express gratitude to Him. Everyone has 1,440 minutes each day. If we take just a few minutes, like Robinson Crusoe, to record a gratitude list for everything we have, our lives can become completely transformed. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your care in our lives, ensuring that we lack nothing. Even in times of trouble, You provide for us. Holy Spirit, remind us to give thanks during times of abundance and to see God’s provision and give thanks even during times of lack. Your grace is wonderful, and with You, there is no dead end. When we give thanks in all things, we discover paths of hope everywhere. We offer our heartfelt gratitude because it aligns with Your will and pleases You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!