人的意念與神的意念—-以賽亞書55:8-9[耶和華說:我的意念非同你們的意念, 我的道路非同你們的道路.  天怎様高過地, 同樣, 我的道路高過你們的道路, 我的意念高過你們的意念.][釋義]人的意念是暫時的, 但神的意旨念是永恆的.  人所顧念的是他們自己, 神所牽掛是祂所創造的萬物.  人想到的是他能夠得到什麼, 但神想到的是祂能給予什麼.  神的救贖的恩典遠超過人的理解與意念, 但神的意念和道路必然成就, 縱然環境上看似不可能.  上帝的工作有時候是我們所不能明白的, 或許你已迫切禱告, 但處境仍是一團糟.  此時你試試把你的問題換一個角度來看, 你將會發現這中間充滿上帝的美意, 因此為現在的處境開囗讚美主吧![禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 很多時候我們都有自己的想法和計劃, 我們也遭遇很多的失敗和挫折.  上帝啊!祢的意念高過我們的意念, 祢的計劃才是最完美的.  袮的道路高過我們的道路, 祢要我們所行的才是真道.  在主的旨意中我們才有平安.  雖然很多時候我們不明白, 求主幫助我們有謙卑順服的心, 聽從祢的話語, 實行祢的旨意, 得主的喜悅.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Man’s Thoughts vs. God’s Thoughts – Isaiah 55:8-9[ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.] [Explanation] Human thoughts are temporary, but God’s plans and purposes are eternal. People focus on themselves, while God cares for all His creation. Humans often think about what they can gain, but God thinks about what He can give. God’s grace in salvation surpasses human understanding, and His plans and ways will always prevail, even when circumstances seem impossible. Often, we cannot comprehend God’s work. You may have prayed earnestly, yet your situation seems like chaos. In such times, try viewing your problems from a different perspective, and you may discover God’s wonderful purpose in the midst of it. Praise Him for your current situation, trusting in His perfect plan! [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, many times we have our own thoughts and plans, and we face failures and setbacks. Lord, Your thoughts are higher than ours, and Your plans are perfect. Your ways are higher than our ways, and the path You desire for us is the true way. Only within Your will can we find peace. Even when we don’t understand, help us to have humble and obedient hearts to listen to Your Word, follow Your will, and bring joy to You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!