行善由不得我—-羅馬書7:18[我也知道在我裏頭. 就是我肉體之中, 沒有良善.  因為立志為善由得我, 只是行出來由不得我.][釋義]你是否常想靠自己的力量去改變一些壞習慣, 但總是沒有辦法改變?試試看, 禱告並交給主管理吧!基督教並非勸人為善, 人靠自己無法行善, 極其痛苦, 所以需要接受主的救恩.  在我們肉體中沒有良善, 再多的內省也不能叫我們得勝. 只要有主耶穌住在我們的心中, 就能勝過一切的軟弱.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們的力量, 我們的幫助. 在祢沒有難成的事.  我們生活中有許多不好的習慣和脾氣.  我們驕傲自我, 雖然我們想要改過, 卻總是做不到.  求主幫助我們, 除去我們的過錯和平不好的習慣.  使我們在言語, 行動為了, 愛心和信心上, 能夠作信徒的榜樣, 榮神益人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

I Cannot Do Good on My Own – Romans 7:18 [For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.] [Explanation] Have you ever tried to overcome bad habits by relying on your own strength, only to find it impossible? Instead, try praying and surrendering it to the Lord. Christianity is not about simply encouraging people to do good, for humans cannot do good on their own and are left in deep frustration. This is why we need to accept the Lord’s salvation. There is no goodness within our sinful nature, and no amount of self-reflection can bring us victory. Only when Jesus dwells in our hearts can we overcome all our weaknesses. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are our strength and our help. With You, nothing is impossible. There are many bad habits and temperaments in our lives. We are often prideful and self-centered. Even though we desire to change, we find ourselves unable to. Lord, help us. Remove our faults and bad habits. Help us to be examples of believers in our words, actions, love, and faith, bringing glory to You and benefiting others. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!