多鼓勵少責備—箴言16:24[良言如同蜂房, 使心覺甘甜, 使骨得醫治. ][釋義]要找出一個人的缺點是何等容易, 因而, 要找出一個人的優點也應當是輕而易舉之事.  多鼓勵少責備, 是最適當的事, 使聽者得到極大的幫助.  我們不僅是要學著講好話, 講義話, 也當學著講對話, 講合適的話.  一句合適的話猶如金蘋果放在銀網子裡, 那是何等的美好!在我們與人溝通時, 最重要的是要聽他說話後面的心如何. 只要他有一顆向神赤誠熱愛的心, 我們就要寶貴他, 這才是真正具備屬靈的價值. 才會使心覺甘甜, 使骨得醫治.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們都是軟弱的人, 很容易受到人, 事, 物和環境的影響而感到灰心失望, 甚至失去前進的動力.  求主幫助我們, 對人要有愛心, 看人的長處多過短處, 多說讚賞和激動的話.  使我們彼此都得到安慰和鼓勵, 一起得幫助, 一起不斷的成長.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

More Encouragement, Less Criticism – Proverbs 16:24 [Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.] [Explanation] It’s so easy to point out someone’s flaws, but if that’s the case, identifying their strengths should be just as simple. Offering more encouragement and less criticism is the right thing to do, as it greatly benefits the listener. We should not only learn to speak kind and righteous words but also appropriate and timely words. A well-spoken word is like golden apples in a silver setting—how beautiful that is! When communicating with others, it’s important to listen beyond their words and hear the heart behind them. If they have a sincere and passionate heart for God, we should value and treasure them. This kind of conversation brings sweetness to the soul and healing to the bones. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we are weak and easily discouraged by people, circumstances, and our surroundings. Sometimes, we even lose the motivation to move forward. Lord, help us to show love toward others, to see their strengths more than their weaknesses, and to speak words of encouragement and affirmation. May we comfort and encourage one another, so we can grow together and find strength in You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!