白佔土地—-馬太福音25:29[因為凡有的, 還要加給他, 叫他有餘;沒有的, 連他所有的也要奪過來.][釋義]本節說出追求一切屬靈事物的原則, 你越有心要, 神就越多給你;否則, 連你從前已得的, 也要收回去.  與其白占地土, 不如努力耕耘, 必會有豐富的收穫.  再次審視自己的生活和事奉, 是否應該再積極些?求主給我們智慧, 使我們可以成為別人的祝福.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢用大能創造萬物, 各按其職, 我們每個人雖然都不一様, 但也各有所長.  求主使我們能夠發掘祢給我們的恩賜, 也能夠盡忠在我們的職分, 遵行祢的道, 事奉祢.  幫助我們不要白占地土, 而是要回報祢的恩典, 宣扬祢的福音, 使我們能夠成為別人的祝福, 使他們也得著救恩和神所賜的福份. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Not Wasting the Land – Matthew 25:29 [For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.] [Explanation] This verse highlights the principle of pursuing spiritual growth. The more we desire, the more God will bless us with. But if we lack the will to grow, even what we previously received may be taken away. Instead of wasting the opportunity, we should cultivate our gifts and labor diligently, reaping a bountiful harvest. Reflect on your life and service—are there areas where you should be more proactive? Pray for wisdom from God so that we may become a blessing to others. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You created all things with great power, assigning each its purpose. While we are all different, You have gifted each of us with unique strengths. Lord, help us to discover the gifts You have given us and to faithfully fulfill our roles by following Your way and serving You. Let us not waste the opportunities You’ve given us but instead repay Your grace by spreading the gospel. May we become a blessing to others, leading them to salvation and the abundant blessings You provide. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!