完全獻上—-羅馬書12:1[所以弟兄們, 我以神的慈悲勸你們, 將身體獻上, 當作活祭, 是聖潔的. 是神所喜悅的; 你們如此事奉, 乃是理所當然的.][釋義]大自然也能夠啓示我們許多常常忽略的真理, 我們總是動腦筋考慮獻出某一部分給主, 卻把另一大部分留給自己.  但神要我們整個的身心獻上給祂.  不知你真肯嗎? “主若今日接我靈魂, 我能坦然見主否?缺少珍寶向主獻陳, 贖罪大恩白白受. 今日見主復有何憂?因主耶穌已救我.  惟有一事使我懷愁, 空佔地土未結果.  追想昔日虛度光陰, 現時豈可再虛度?我今奉獻全身全心, 聽主命令行主路.”[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是配得我們尊崇敬拜的神, 萬物從祢而來, 其中充滿神的奧祕和智慧.  求主賜給我們屬靈的眼光, 能夠從中參透祢的啟發, 讓我們將自己全然獻唱上, 為主而活, 為主所用.  因為我們是從祢而來, 本來也屬於祢, 我們感恩, 如此獻上, 也是祢所喜悅的.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Offer Yourself Completely – Romans 12:1 [Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.] [Explanation] Nature reveals many truths that we often overlook. We tend to offer only parts of ourselves to the Lord while reserving a significant portion for our own use. Yet, God desires that we offer our entire being—both body and soul—to Him. Are you truly willing to do so? A hymn reflects this sentiment: “If the Lord were to take me today, could I face Him with confidence? Do I have treasures to offer, or have I received His grace in vain? If I see the Lord today, I would not fear, for Jesus has saved me. But one thing troubles my heart—I’ve occupied space without bearing fruit. Reflecting on wasted days, how can I squander time now? I now offer my whole self, body, and heart, to follow His commands and walk His way.” [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the God worthy of all honor and worship. All things come from You, and they reveal Your wisdom and mystery. Lord, grant us spiritual insight to understand Your revelations through creation. Help us to offer ourselves completely to You, living for Your glory and purpose. We acknowledge that we come from You and belong to You, and giving ourselves to You is an act of gratitude and devotion that pleases You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!