人生得失—-約伯記1:21[我赤身出於母胎, 也必赤身歸回. 賞賜的是耶和華, 收取的也是耶和華;耶和華的名是應當稱頌的.][釋義]你是否因為失去某些人, 事, 物, 或某方面失敗而覺得傷心沮喪?與其再賠上心靈的傷害, 不如來到主的面前, 順服主的旨意, 放下重擔, 重新得力向前行. 約伯在極大苦難中仍能憑信心鎮定如山, 稱頌神的名. “赤身出於母胎, 也必赤身歸回”為詩歌式形象表達, 即”來時空手, 去時空手又何妨”, 何況人生禍福在神手中, 賞賜或收回, 悉聽主旨.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢長闊高深的愛, 我們所擁有的一切都是祢所賜的. 雖然祢沒有應許我們一生順利, 我們還是會有得有失, 有苦難, 有試探. 但確實應許祢的同在, 會使我們生活有力, 面對挫折能夠得勝有餘, 未來的盼望帶給我們光明和力量, 我們感謝祢. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Gains and Losses in Life – Job 1:21 [Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.] [Explanation] Have you ever felt heartbroken or discouraged because of losing someone, something, or failing in some aspect of life? Instead of adding emotional pain, come before the Lord, submit to His will, lay down your burdens, and find renewed strength to move forward. Job, in the midst of great suffering, remained steadfast in faith and praised God’s name. The phrase “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart” poetically conveys the idea that we come into the world empty-handed and leave the same way. Since blessings and hardships are in God’s hands, whether He gives or takes away, all is according to His purpose. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your immeasurable love. Everything we have is a gift from You. Although You did not promise us a life free of troubles, we understand that we will experience gains and losses, trials and temptations. Yet, You have assured us of Your presence, which strengthens us to overcome setbacks and fills us with hope for the future. We are grateful for Your faithfulness. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!