接受自己—-路加福音12:7[就是你們的頭髮, 也都被數過了.  不要懼怕, 你們比許多麻雀還貴重.][釋義]在人生的舞台上, 不論你扮演的什麼角色, 最重要的一件事, 必須知道自己是上帝的寶貝, 比一切都貴重. 相信祂所給予你的一切, 都是最好的. 我們的每一根頭髮, 都經過神的編號.  連這様微小的事, 神都管理, 難道我們為祂作工而遭受的困境, 祂會撒手不管嗎?信徒所遭遇的每一件事, 都是出於神的安排; 神對於我們環境的安排, 像頭髮一樣, 是淸楚且仔細的.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們是何等的有福, 能夠成為祢寶貝的兒女. 祢造我們比其他受造之物更為寶貴, 更加的俊美.  祢賜給我們的一切也是對我們最好的.  求主幫助我們, 有信心接納主所賜的, 順服主的旨意和安排, 讓我們的生命成為美好的見證和榮耀主的名.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Accept Yourself – Luke 12:7 [Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.] [Explanation] On the stage of life, no matter what role you play, the most important thing is to understand that you are God’s precious treasure, more valuable than anything else. Believe that everything He has given you is the best for you. Even the hairs on our head are numbered by God. If He cares for such seemingly insignificant details, would He neglect the hardships we face while serving Him? Every situation a believer encounters is arranged by God. Just as He knows every strand of hair, His plans for our lives are thorough and deliberate. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, how blessed we are to be Your precious children. You created us to be more valuable and beautiful than all other creations. Everything You have given us is for our best. Lord, help us to have faith to accept what You have provided and to submit to Your will and plans. May our lives be a beautiful testimony that glorifies Your name. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!