神的眼目在看—-箴言15:3[耶和華的眼目, 無處不在, 惡人善人, 他都鍳察.][釋義]人在做, 天在看.  無論我們做什麼事情, 都要記得, 主耶穌就在我們旁邊看著我們.  因此邀請主與你同行, 祂將指示你什麼事可行, 什麼事不可行.  本節經文刻畫了耶和華無所不在與無所不知的屬性.  人的行為與意念在神的面前一覧無疑, 這實際上是對惡人的可怕警告和對義人的撫慰之言.  神不是為監控或批評我們.  天父是以憐憫和慈愛的眼光照看我們, 因為祂知道我們本性的脆弱. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢的眼目鑒察全地, 看透人心.  我們要感謝祢, 隨時隨地都陪伴我們, 在我們做錯事時, 祢都看見.  祢提醒我們. 在我們不知所措的時候, 祢都知道, 祢指示我們, 使我們行在祢的真道上, 不至于偏離走差.  我們要專心仰望祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God’s Eyes Are Watching – Proverbs 15:3 [The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.] [Explanation] Whatever we do, remember: God is watching. Invite Jesus to walk alongside you, and He will guide you on what is right and what is wrong. This verse highlights God’s omnipresence and omniscience. All human actions and thoughts are fully visible to God. For the wicked, this is a sobering warning, and for the righteous, it is a comforting assurance. God does not watch us to control or criticize. Rather, our Heavenly Father watches with mercy and love, fully understanding our weaknesses. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Your eyes are upon the whole earth, and You see through the hearts of men. We thank You for always being with us, watching over us. When we do wrong, You see it and remind us. When we feel lost and uncertain, You know and guide us, keeping us on the path of Your truth so we do not stray. We place our full trust in You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!