沒有不顯露的事—-馬太福音10:26[掩蓋的事, 沒有不露出來的;  隱藏的事, 沒有不被人知道的.][釋義]我們所做的事, 人在看, 主也在看, 或許騙得了人一時, 但有一天在審判台前都要逐一交賬.  沒有任何事可以騙得了主, 而暗中的隱情都會在主前一一的顯露.  既然掩蓋和隱藏的的事遲早要顯露出來, 倒不如早早鼓起勇氣, 說當說的話, 作當作的事. 真理終必得勝, 你不能絞死或放逐真理. 當基督徒在受苦, 犧牲, 甚至為他的信仰殉難的時候, 他一定要記得, 真相大白的一日終必來到, 逼迫者的權勢, 與基督徒的英勇事蹟, 終必顯出它們的真實價值, 各人必要得著真實的報償.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢的眼目遍察全地.  祢鑒察人心, 我們每日所犯的罪惡, 無論人看見或看不見的, 祢都知道, 沒有一件可以隱藏.  我們求主赦免我們的過錯, 特別是隱而未現的罪, 求主的寶血遮篕.  求主幫助我們, 靠著主過得勝的生活, 行事為人都遵行主道, 生活上有美好的見證.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed – Matthew 10:26 [There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.] [Explanation] Everything we do is seen—by people and by the Lord. While we may deceive others temporarily, one day, we will have to give an account before the judgment seat. Nothing can be hidden from God, and all secret matters will be revealed before Him. Since all hidden things will eventually come to light, it’s better to muster the courage now to say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done. Truth will always prevail—you cannot silence or exile it. When Christians suffer, sacrifice, or even face martyrdom for their faith, they must remember that a day of revelation will come. The true value of the persecutor’s power and the Christian’s bravery will be made clear, and everyone will receive their due reward. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Your eyes watch over the whole earth, and You examine the hearts of all people. Every sin we commit, whether seen or unseen by others, is known to You. We ask for Your forgiveness for our wrongdoings, especially the hidden sins yet to surface. May the blood of Jesus cover us. Help us, Lord, to live victorious lives, walking in obedience to Your ways and bearing a good testimony in our daily lives. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!