不要論斷—-馬太福音7:1[你們不要論斷人, 免得被論斷.][釋義]嚴以待己, 寬以待人.  越是長進, 就越多審斷自, 而越少審斷別人. 我們要的不是律法的審判, 而是生命的供應. 不是藉著外面行為的改正, 乃是藉著內在生命的流露.  活在主的光中, 才能夠不論斷別人有時我們批評他人的時候, 往往如向天吐口水, 結果落到自己的身上.  當我們批評論斷他人的時候, 先檢討反省自己是否也是如此一般.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 求袮光照我們, 使我們不隨意批評論斷別人的短處和錯誤, 而看不到自己的軟弱和敗壞, 除去我們眼中的梁木, 使我們能夠以愛心待人, 以包容接納別人.  因為主耶穌曾吩咐我們要彼此相愛. 讓人看見我們的好行為, 就知道我們是祢的門徒, 歸榮耀給神.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Judge – Matthew 7:1 [Do not judge, or you too will be judged.] [Explanation] Be strict with yourself and lenient with others. The more we grow in faith, the more we examine ourselves and the less we criticize others. What we need is not judgment through the law but the provision of life—not outward behavioral correction but the expression of an inward life. Living in the light of the Lord allows us to refrain from judging others. Criticizing others can sometimes backfire, like spitting into the air and having it fall back on yourself. Before judging or criticizing others, first reflect and examine whether you share similar weaknesses. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, shine Your light on us so that we do not carelessly criticize or judge others for their shortcomings while ignoring our own weaknesses and failures. Remove the plank from our eyes so that we may treat others with love, accept them with patience, and show grace. Help us live in obedience to Jesus’ command to love one another so that people may see our good deeds and recognize us as Your disciples, giving glory to You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!