主的手相牽相𢹂—-以賽亞書41:10[你不要害怕, 因為我與你同在. 不要驚惶, 因為我是你的神. 我必堅固你, 我必幫助你, 我必用我公義的右手扶持你.][釋義]這節經文在兩千年教會史中, 給深陷孤獨與痛苦, 苦難與愁煩, 灰心喪膽的靈魂帶去強有力的希望與活力, 是永恆的安慰之言. 在人生旅途中, 多麼需要有一隻溫暖又超然的手相牽相𢹂. 哪怕遇到暴風巨浪, 有這至高的神牽著你的手, 你就有勇氣在黑夜中前進. 生命有了寶貴的依靠, 便沒有走不過去的路. 對信靠祂的人必永遠施恩. 信心的腳步不會落空, 底下必有基石.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們的磐石, 我們的依靠, 祢是我們的力量, 我們的保惠師. 人生的旅途崎嶇難行, 身心靈都常受到折磨和打擊, 但是有祢的陪伴, 與我們同行, 牽著我們的手, 堅固我們的信心, 幫助我們, 我們就不害怕, 不被打倒. 我們要靠祢得勝, 在祢裏面得著平安和喜樂, 安慰和扶持, 我們獻上感恩. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
The Lord’s Hand Holds and Sustains — Isaiah 41:10 [So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.] [Explanation] This verse has provided powerful hope and renewed strength to souls trapped in loneliness, suffering, hardship, and despair throughout two millennia of church history. It is an eternal word of comfort. On the journey of life, how desperately we need a warm and transcendent hand to guide and uphold us. Even in the face of storms and tempests, having the Most High God holding your hand gives you the courage to move forward through the darkness. With such a precious reliance, no path is too difficult to traverse. For those who trust in Him, He continually extends grace. The steps of faith will not fall into emptiness, for there will always be a firm foundation beneath. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are our rock and our refuge, our strength, and our comforter. The journey of life is rugged and difficult, and our body, mind, and spirit often face trials and blows. Yet with Your presence and companionship, holding our hand and strengthening our faith, we are not afraid and will not be defeated. In You, we gain victory, peace, joy, comfort, and support. We offer You our deepest gratitude. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!