我在門外叩門—-啓示錄3:20[看哪, 我站在門外扣門, 若有聽見我聲音就開門的, 我要進到他那裏去, 我與他, 他與我一同坐席.][釋義]這扇門並不是普通的門.  它是代表人的心門, 所以不需要開門的把手, 只要人誠心誠意地從心裏接受主耶穌, 這扇門就可以被打開了.  很多時候我們都以為主耶穌離我們很遠, 其實祂就在我們身邊, 就在我們心門外扣門.  因為我們的心常常被許多世俗的東西所占有, 所以聽不見祂叩門的聲音.  現在請你閉上眼睛, 安靜地聽主的聲音, 並且把心門打開, 祂會永遠住在我們的心中, 成為我們隨時的幫助和力量.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 愛我們的主耶稣, 我們感謝祢.  雖然我們有時會迷失方向, 被世俗纏繥, 追求物質享受, 但是祢沒有放棄我們, 祢還是一直等待我們的回轉, 慈聲呼喚叩我們的心門.  求主打開我們的耳朵, 我們的心, 讓我們聽見祢的聲音, 願意打開心門讓主進來, 永遠與我們同在, 使我們身心靈得著平安喜樂.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿門!

I Stand at the Door and Knock — Revelation 3:20 [Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.] [Explanation] This door is not an ordinary door; it represents the door to one’s heart. It doesn’t require a handle—only a sincere and wholehearted acceptance of the Lord Jesus to open it. Many times, we think Jesus is far away from us, but in reality, He is right beside us, knocking at the door of our hearts. Often, our hearts are filled with worldly distractions, leaving us unable to hear His gentle knocking. Take a moment now, close your eyes, and listen quietly for the Lord’s voice. Open the door of your heart, and He will come in and dwell within you forever, becoming your constant help and strength. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, beloved Lord Jesus, we thank You. Although we sometimes lose our way, entangled by the world and chasing material pleasures, You never abandon us. You continue to wait patiently for our return, gently calling and knocking on the door of our hearts. Lord, open our ears and hearts so that we can hear Your voice and willingly open the door for You to come in and be with us forever. May we experience Your peace and joy in our bodies, minds, and spirits. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!