得救本乎恩—-以弗所書2:8-9[你們得救是本乎恩, 也因著信, 這並不是出於自己, 乃是神所賜的; 也不是出於行為, 免得有人自誇.][釋義]即使你盡量往好處去做, 可是在上帝來看還是不夠的. 我們有時以為憑著努力, 可以使自己成聖, 可以勝過一切, 但是在上帝眼中永遠是不夠, 達不到的. 除非你依靠祂, 謙卑在主面前, 恭敬的把自己交給主. 我們先得救, 後行善;不是先行善, 後得救. 得救後, 我們自會行善. 單行善的人永遠不會得救. 使徒行傳16:31[當信主耶穌, …. 必得救.][禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是聖潔的神, 祢要求祢的子民也要聖潔. 按著我們罪的本相, 我們完全不能夠達到祢的標準, 無論我們用金錢, 地位, 勢力, 聰明或善行, 我們都做不到. 但神祢愛我們, 唯有祢的恩賜, 在基督耶穌裏使我們可以罪得赦免, 得到永生. 我們感謝祢, 願意謙卑在祢面前, 將自己擺上, 幫助我們能夠全心信靠順服祢, 遵行祢的道. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Salvation by Grace — Ephesians 2:8-9 [For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.] [Explanation] No matter how much good you try to do, it will never be enough in God’s eyes. Sometimes we think that by our own efforts, we can make ourselves holy and overcome everything. But in God’s eyes, we will always fall short and never reach His standard. Unless we rely on Him, humble ourselves before the Lord, and wholeheartedly entrust ourselves to Him, we cannot be saved. Salvation comes first, then good works follow—not the other way around. Once we are saved, good works will naturally flow from our lives. Simply doing good deeds alone can never lead to salvation. As Acts 16:31 says, [Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.] [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are a holy God, and You require Your people to also be holy. According to the reality of our sinful nature, we can never meet Your standard. No matter how much we rely on money, status, power, intelligence, or good deeds, we can never achieve salvation on our own. But God, You love us, and through Your grace alone in Christ Jesus, our sins are forgiven, and we receive eternal life. We thank You and are willing to humble ourselves before You, dedicating our lives to You. Help us to fully trust and obey You and walk in Your ways. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!