向上舉目—-詩篇121:1-2[我要向山舉目, 我的幫助從何而來.  我的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來.][釋義]詩人從環抱聖地的巍峨雄山得到啓示, 以此為象徵, 歌頌了看顧聖徒的神之保護.  當以色列人向𧶽安山舉目時, 他們望見神的聖殿, 他們的心就得到安慰和鼓勵.  聖殿是”神的帳幕住在人間”的標誌, 神在我們中間, 我們還怕甚麼? 當我們定睛於困難, 往往令人寸步難行, 當環境動盪不安, 別忘了轉換眼光, 試著向上看, 仰望上帝, 用更開阔的心境面對, 往往是重新得力的秘訣.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 求祢憐憫軟弱可憐的我們, 在天災人緔的時期, 不單單只是人心沒有平安, 特別經濟衰落, 有人失業, 有人生意倒閉, 也有人破產.  求主光照我們, 在困苦的環境中, 使我們曉得轉眼仰望祢, 向祢呼求, 有信心和勇氣面對困難, 靠主戰勝, 度過難關.  我們感謝祢, 祢是我們的避難所, 我們的力量和隨時的幫助, 有主同在, 我們必不害怕.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Look Upward — Psalm 121:1-2 [I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.] [Explanation] The psalmist draws inspiration from the majestic mountains surrounding the Holy Land, symbolizing the protection of God who watches over His people. When the Israelites lifted their eyes toward Mount Zion, they saw the temple of God, which brought them comfort and encouragement. The temple was a sign of “God dwelling among men.” With God among us, what do we have to fear? When we focus on difficulties, we can often feel paralyzed. In times of turmoil and uncertainty, remember to shift your perspective. Look upward, set your eyes on God, and face challenges with a broader outlook. This is often the key to renewing your strength. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, have mercy on us in our weakness. During times of disasters and human struggles, when hearts lack peace, and economic downturns bring unemployment, failed businesses, and bankruptcy, we cry out to You. Shine Your light upon us, Lord, and in the midst of hardship, help us to lift our eyes to You, call upon You, and face challenges with faith and courage. Strengthen us to overcome and navigate through trials. We thank You for being our refuge, our strength, and our ever-present help in trouble. With Your presence, we will not fear. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!