不讓煩躁阻攔—-詩篇42:5[我的心哪, 你為何憂悶?為何在我裏面煩躁?應當仰望神, 因祂笑臉幫助我, 我還要稱讚祂.][釋義]雖然有時環境看似有阻礙難行, 使我們煩躁, 止步不敢前進, 若我們轉眼仰望神, 進而改變心態, 採取行動, 必能產生完全不同的結果.  只有一條出路, 那就是仰望神, 看見祂的笑臉幫助, 知道祂沒有丟棄, 祂的愛沒有改變, 祂向我們的意念是好的, 我們所有不幸的遭遇, 環境的艱難, 也都有祂的恩典和美意. 仰望神, 我們才可以脫離狹窄, 渺小的境地, 脫離受造之物, 而轉向創造的主, 脫離死的對象, 有限的目標, 能夠轉向神, 信靠順服神, 心境就會改正了.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們的力量, 我們隨時的幫助.  我們常常會在生活, 工作和事奉上遇到難題和阻礙.  我們有時會讓所遇到的困難遮蔽蒙篕, 使我們膽怯, 不敢行動, 我們心煩意燥, 不知所措.  求主賜給我們智慧和勇氣, 不畏困難, 仰望祢的大能大力, 祢必使我們輕鬆完成工作.  我們感謝祢, 用充滿愛的笑臉幫助我們.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Let Restlessness Hinder You — Psalm 42:5 [Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.] [Explanation] At times, the circumstances around us may seem overwhelming and hinder our progress, causing us to feel restless and hesitant. However, when we lift our eyes and place our trust in God, our mindset shifts, and our actions change, often leading to entirely different outcomes. There is only one true way out: to hope in God. When we see His loving face, we realize that He has not abandoned us. His love remains unchanged, and His plans for us are good. Every challenging situation or difficult circumstance contains His grace and purpose. By looking to God, we can move beyond narrow, limited perspectives. Instead of focusing on created things or finite goals, we can turn toward the Creator. Trusting and obeying God brings a renewed mindset and peace. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are our strength and ever-present help. In our daily lives, work, and service, we often face difficulties and obstacles. Sometimes these challenges overshadow our vision, making us fearful and hesitant to act. Our hearts grow restless, and we feel lost. Lord, we ask for Your wisdom and courage to face challenges without fear. Help us to trust in Your great power, knowing that You will enable us to accomplish our tasks with ease. We thank You for Your loving face that brings us help and comfort. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!