不要貪財—-路加福音12:15[你們要𧫴慎自守, 免去一切的貪心, 因為人的生命不在乎家道豐富.][釋義]世人認識為物質文明的進步, 應當歸功於人類貪得無厭的物慾, 所謂貪心, 乃是生命最強的推動力.  然而, 它卻使人類從靈性的層面淪落到物慾的層面, 喪失生存的意義和目的.  許多時候, 我們急迫追求有形的資產, 雖然擁有的越多, 是否真能越快樂? 還是反而因為擔心失去, 而越來越恐惧, 沒有平安?其實, 在生活中, 我們並不需要等到擁有很多金錢, 名聲才能感到快樂, 若能每天數算神的恩典, 為自己有吃, 穿, 用, 仍有生命氣息獻上感恩, 無論處在任何環境, 能夠知足, 就能得到喜樂. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 有祢真好, 祢眷顧我們, 使我們生活安穩, 雖然我們未必是大富大貴, 但人的生命不是在乎家道豐富, 因為這一切都是要過去的, 更重要的是我們有主的平安和喜樂, 就是幸福.  求主幫助我們, 做個清心知足的人, 不要貪愛世界的金錢物資享受, 使我們遠離祢, 讓我們多親近祢, 祢就必親近我們, 使我們成為真正有福的人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Avoid Greed — Luke 12:15 [Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.] [Explanation] The world often credits material progress to humanity’s insatiable desire for more, seeing greed as a driving force for advancement. However, this pursuit of possessions drags humanity from a spiritual plane down to a material one, stripping life of its true meaning and purpose. Many times, we chase tangible assets with urgency. Yet, does having more genuinely bring more happiness? Or does it lead to greater fear and anxiety over potential loss, robbing us of peace? True joy does not come from wealth or fame. Instead, it comes from recognizing God’s blessings—being grateful for food, clothing, and the breath of life. Contentment in any situation brings real joy. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, how wonderful it is to have You in our lives. You care for us and grant us stability. Though we may not be wealthy, we know that life does not consist in material abundance, as all these things will pass away. What matters most is having Your peace and joy, which are true happiness. Lord, help us to be content and pure in heart. Keep us from loving worldly riches and pleasures that draw us away from You. Teach us to draw closer to You, for when we do, You promise to draw near to us. Make us truly blessed in Your presence. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!