不憑眼見—-哥林多後書5:7[因我們行事為人是憑著信心, 不是憑著眼見.][釋義]不一定在上教會時就凡事通順, 也不一定在社會中就會遭遇不幸, 重要的不是你在哪裏, 而是你的心向著哪裏.  一個在主裏的人, 順境逆境都能甘心順服.  不要用你在教堂的敬虔來𧗽量神的祝福, 那是十分危險的事, 在基督裏才是最大的優先. 憑信心不憑著眼見, 是新約信徒行事為人的原則.  猶太人要神跡, 希利尼人要智慧.  求神跡就是憑眼見, 求智慧就是講邏輯.  都是要憑人的觀感與才智來考驗神的存在, 不是靠信心認識神的作為.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝讚美祢, 是祢賜給我們信心, 讓我們可以憑著信來到祢的面前, 也憑著信心過每一天得勝的生活.  求主憐憫我們, 因為有時我們會軟弱, 受人, 環境和事故的影響, 使我們懐疑, 埋怨和失望.  求主幫助我們, 不是憑著眼睛所見, 或不穩定的情緒影響, 而是有堅定的信心, 信靠順服祢的旨意.  用信心走向光明, 而不是躍入黑暗.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿門!

Walking by Faith, Not by Sight — 2 Corinthians 5:7 [For we live by faith, not by sight.] [Explanation] Life’s circumstances don’t always align with our expectations, whether we’re in church or in the world. What matters is not where we are physically but where our heart is spiritually. A believer in Christ learns to trust and submit in both prosperity and adversity. Measuring God’s blessings based on external situations or emotions is dangerous. Instead, faith in Christ should always be our priority. Living by faith rather than relying on what we see is a fundamental principle for New Testament believers. Demanding signs or logic to validate God’s existence reflects reliance on human perception rather than faith in God’s works. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank and praise You for the gift of faith that allows us to approach You and live victorious lives each day. Have mercy on us when we are weak and influenced by circumstances, people, or emotions, leading us to doubt, complain, or despair. Help us not to rely on what we see or feel, but to trust and obey Your will with steadfast faith. May we walk in the light of faith, not stumble into darkness. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen!