不要羨慕, 嫉妒, 恨—-雅各書1:17[各様美善的恩賜, 和各様全備的賞賜, 都是從上頭來的. 從眾光之父那裏降下來的; 在他沒有改變, 也沒有轉動的影兒.][釋義]有時, 人們對自己和所擁有的身份和幸福漫不經心, 總是羨慕別人的幸福.  其實, 我們的一切都是神所賜的, 也是最適合我們的.  在千變萬化的世界中, 甚麼都會改變, 但神所賜美善的恩賜, 永不改變.  神一切恩典的都是美好的, 神一切的賞賜都是完美無缺的.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢本為大, 無可測度.  祢對我們的愛何等浩大, 祢在我們生命中所作的一切事, 都是美好的, 雖然這些美好不一定是我們所想像的, 但只要是從祢上頭而來的, 都是美善的恩賜.  求主光照我們, 以感恩的心領受, 過豐盛的人生, 享受主的愛和眷顧.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Envy, Jealousy, or Resentment – James 1:17 [Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.] [Explanation] Sometimes, people take their own blessings and circumstances for granted, constantly envying the happiness of others. However, everything we have is given by God and is exactly what suits us best. In a world of constant change, where everything is fleeting, God’s gifts remain unchanging. All of God’s blessings are good, and all His gifts are perfect and complete. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are great beyond measure. Your love for us is immense, and everything You have done in our lives is good. Even if Your blessings are not always what we imagine or expect, anything that comes from You is a good and perfect gift. Shine Your light upon us, Lord, so we may receive Your blessings with gratitude, live abundant lives, and enjoy Your love and care. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!