謙卑順服—-彼得前書5:5[你們年幼的也要順服年長的, 就是你們眾人也要以謙卑束腰, 彼此順服, 因為神阻擋驕傲的人, 賜恩給謙卑的人.] [釋義]一個人要想平安無事地生活, 就必須時時刻刻記住”低頭.” 謙虛𧫴慎是做人的美德, 低頭, 忍讓, 而非自高自大.  這也是聖經的教導. 尊敬長輩, 謙卑順服, 必蒙上帝施恩賜福.  屬靈之事的對或不對, 並不根據我們生活的經歷, 也不根據我們年歲的多少, 乃是根據主在我們這個人身上得著多少的敬畏.  謙卑乃是聚集一切美德的聚寶箱, 它並非膽小, 卑屈, 不敢說不, 奴隸的根性, 而是敢於面對自己的勇氣.  順服要從心服做起, 自己卑微, 存心順服.[禱告]愛我們的主耶穌, 我們獻上感恩, 祢本來高高在天上, 卻為了拯救我們而謙卑的來到世上, 祢也為我們立下美好的榜樣.  主啊!人算什麼, 我們膽敢心高氣傲, 自以為是. 但祢卻仍然眷顧我們.  求主施恩幫助我們, 學習謙卑, 彼此順服, 尊敬長輩, 虛心學習, 使我們靈命長進.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Humility and Obedience – 1 Peter 5:5 [In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another because, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.] [Explanation] To live peacefully, one must constantly remember to “bow down” in humility. Modesty and prudence are virtues of life, embracing meekness and patience instead of arrogance. The Bible teaches us to respect elders, practice humility, and submit to one another, which will bring God’s grace and blessings. Spiritual matters are not determined by our age or life experiences but by how much reverence for the Lord has been formed in us. Humility is the treasure chest of all virtues. It is not cowardice, servility, or a lack of courage to speak up, but rather the strength to confront oneself honestly. True obedience begins with a humble heart, willingly submitting to others with a lowly spirit. [Prayer] Loving Lord Jesus, we give thanks for Your example of humility. Though exalted in heaven, You humbled Yourself to come to earth to save us and set a perfect example. Who are we, Lord, to dare to be proud and self-righteous? Yet You still care for us with compassion. Please grant us grace and help us learn humility, mutual submission, respect for elders, and a teachable heart, so our spiritual lives may grow. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!