重新得力—-以賽亞書40:31[但那等候耶和華的, 必從新得力,  他們必如鷹展翅上騰, 他們奔跑卻不困倦, 行走卻不疲乏.] [釋義]我們是否因為長期以來不斷忙碌而感覺疲乏和無力?是否因為多年累積的習慣, 已經熟練而不願放棄?要懂得捨棄以往的不如意, 在學習中追求生命的新生和希望.  重新得力, 邁向標竿.  重新得力, 歸向重造.  換新心新靈, 經歷新的出埃及, 走又新又活的路, 出死入生,  安息基督腳前, 在主愛裏喜樂更新.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 在我們軟弱疲乏時, 祢加添力量給我們;  在我們灰心失望時, 祢讓我們看見亮光, 我們感謝祢.  雖然要經過磨難和試煉, 求主幫助我們, 能夠剛強壯膽, 堅持信念, 以達到如鷹重新得力, 展翅上腾, 飛得更高更遠, 使我們事奉得力.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Renewed Strength- Isaiah 40:31 [But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.] [Explanation] Do you feel weary and powerless from constant busyness? Have old habits grown so entrenched over the years that you are reluctant to let go? It’s important to abandon past frustrations and pursue new life and hope through learning and renewal. Renewing strength means aiming for the goal, returning to the One who restores. With a new heart and spirit, we can experience a fresh exodus, walking on the living and renewed path—from death to life. By resting at Christ’s feet and delighting in His love, we find joy and rejuvenation. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, when we are weak and weary, You give us strength; when we are discouraged, You shine Your light upon us. We thank You for Your unfailing presence. Even as we face trials and tests, help us to be strong and courageous, holding firmly to our faith. May we rise like eagles, renewed with strength, soaring higher and farther, empowered to serve You faithfully. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!