相信神的照顧—-路加福音12:6-7[五個麻雀不是賣二分銀子嗎?但在神的面前, 一個也不忘記;就是你們的頭髮, 也都被數過了.  不要懼怕, 你們比許多麻雀還貴重.][釋義]兩隻麻雀賣一分銀子, 馬太福音10:29.  五隻麻雀應該賣二分半, 等於買四隻送一隻. 這是對窮人的照顧.  麻雀是窮人的食物, 但神一樣看顧, 祂照顧卑微孤寡的人.  當時一般工人的工資是一錢銀子, 馬太福音20:2.  一錢銀子值十六分銀子.  十六分銀子可以買40隻麻雀, 上帝那隻看不見的手每天免費多送八隻麻雀給一般的工人, 使他們足夠果腹.  上帝對一般人的照顧是何等的體恤周到.  一個人的頭髮大約有8-12萬根.  據說一個人一生可以生長100-150萬根.  每天大約脫落50-100根. 神對我們頭髮的編號與數算, 足以說明神的無限細微, 正如衪的無限偉大.  在我們身上, 沒有一件事是太細小到神不來照顧管理的. 你若相信神的安排, 你就會不憂不懼, 平安喜樂.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 祢創造我們是萬能物之靈, 比一切所造的更加聰明能幹, 我們是何等的有福.  求主赦免我們的自私和貪婪心的慾望, 不滿足現況而常常處在擔心掛慮中.  求主幫助我們, 能夠愛主多過愛世界, 相信祢的應許, 相信祢的照顧.  珍惜每一天, 為祢而活, 榮耀祢的名, 將一切憂愁掛慮交托給祢, 常存感恩和喜樂的心.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Trusting in God’s Care – Luke 12:6-7 [Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.] [Explanation] In Matthew 10:29, two sparrows were sold for one copper coin, meaning five sparrows were worth two coins—a deal offering one extra sparrow for free, showcasing God’s care for the poor. Sparrows, often used as food by the poor, were still under God’s watchful eye, just as He cares deeply for those who are humble and in need. At the time, a typical worker earned one silver coin a day (Matthew 20:2), equal to 16 copper coins, which could purchase 40 sparrows. God’s unseen hand generously provided for the needs of the average worker. Similarly, God’s care extends to the finest details of our lives. A human head typically has between 80,000 and 120,000 hairs, with a lifetime total of 1 to 1.5 million. Each day, 50 to 100 hairs fall, yet God knows and numbers them all. His infinite attention to detail reflects His boundless greatness. No matter how small or insignificant our concerns may seem, God is mindful of them. Trusting in His care and provision allows us to live without worry or fear, filled with peace and joy. [Prayer]

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for creating us as the crown of Your creation, endowed with wisdom and abilities. We are truly blessed. Please forgive us for our selfishness and greedy desires, for our lack of contentment, and for living in constant worry. Help us to love You more than the world and trust in Your promises and care. Teach us to cherish each day, live for Your glory, and surrender all our anxieties to You. May we always have hearts filled with gratitude and joy. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!