神的美意—-詩篇27:5[因為我遭遇患難, 祂必暗暗地保守我; 在祂亭子裏, 把我藏在他帳幕的隱密處, 將我高擧在磐石上.][釋義]神未曾應許我不會遭遇患難, 卻應許在患難中, 祂必暗暗地保守我.  我們在主裡面, 祂也在我們裡面, 這是我們最安全的保障.  每次我們被仇敵試探, 攻擊, 都是因為我們離開了神帳幕的隱密處, 沒有保守自己常在神的愛中.  我們常常把眼前看到對自己有利的事看作是好事, 就高興喜樂; 而把一些挫折失敗, 或讓我們受痛苦的事看作是壞事, 就悲傷埋怨.  其實, 神的心意往往隱藏在事情的背後, 只是在神還沒有向我們顯明事情的結果之前, 我們還體會不到神的美意.   [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢的作為奇妙難測, 但祢愛每一個人, 祢絕對不會故意讓人陷入困境, 祢為我們所安排的一切都是好的, 都有祢的智慧與美意在其中.  祢讓萬事都互相效力, 使用我們得益處, 甚至是苦難, 疾病和挫折也是為了我們的好處.  求主憐憫我們的無知和軟弱, 求主扶持我們 , 加添我們信心, 使我們經過磨練成為精金.  讓我們的經歷能夠成為別人的祝福.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God’s Good Purpose – Psalm 27:5 [For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.] [Explanation] God never promised that we would avoid troubles, but He assures us that He will protect us during them. When we dwell in the Lord, and He dwells within us, we have the safest refuge. Often, when we succumb to temptations or face attacks from the enemy, it is because we have stepped away from the secret place of God’s tabernacle and failed to remain in His love. We tend to judge situations based on immediate outcomes. We rejoice over what seems beneficial and complain about setbacks, failures, or pain. Yet, God’s purpose is often hidden behind the events we experience. Until He reveals the results, we may not perceive His good will. Even hardships, illnesses, and failures can serve a greater purpose for our growth and benefit. Trusting in God’s wisdom and timing helps us to rest in His care, knowing that He is working all things together for our good. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Your ways are wondrous and beyond understanding. We thank You for Your love, which never seeks to harm us but always aims for our ultimate good. You wisely arrange all things in our lives, ensuring that even difficulties, illnesses, and setbacks contribute to our growth and benefit. Lord, forgive us for our ignorance and weakness. Strengthen our faith, and help us endure trials to emerge refined like pure gold. May our experiences serve as blessings to others, bringing glory to Your name. We trust in Your good purpose and loving care. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!