背十字架—-哥林多後書3:5[並𣎴是我們憑自己能承擔什麼事, 我們所能承擔的, 乃是出於神.][釋義]主所量給我們的十字架, 都是最適合我們的, 並不是我們憑自己能承擔什麼事, 乃是靠主的恩典.  讓我們放下抱怨而常懷感恩的心. 若憑我們自己, 甚麼都𠄘擔不了, 我們不能勝過魔鬼, 我們不能脫離罪惡, 我們讀不懂聖經, 我們不懂屬靈的事; 但靠著神的恩典, 我們就都能了!今天我們服事主, 常是要人的注意, 我們在意別人的評價, 其實最重要的是我們的”能”是不是出於神, 若不是出於神, 就一切都是枉然, 都是虛空.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們要感謝祢, 為救贖我們而背負全人類的十字架.  我們今天能夠背起十字架跟隨祢和事奉祢, 乃是祢的恩典.  我們事奉不能靠自己的血氣和智慧, 求主恩待, 賜給我們謙卑和忍耐的心, 願意付上代價.  我們知道祢給我們擔負的必不會超過我們所能擔當的, 必有祢足夠的恩典賜給我們, 讓我們有感恩和喜樂的心事奉, 擔子就會日益輕省.  使我們心甘情願的去做. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Carrying the Cross – 2 Corinthians 3:5 [Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.] [Explanation] The cross that the Lord gives us to bear is perfectly suited for us. It is not by our own strength that we can handle anything, but through God’s grace. Let us replace our complaints with gratitude. On our own, we can do nothing—we cannot overcome the devil, break free from sin, truly understand the Bible, or comprehend spiritual matters. However, by God’s grace, we can do all things! Today, when we serve the Lord, we often seek the attention and approval of others. Yet, the most crucial question is whether our “ability” comes from God. If it is not from Him, all our efforts are in vain and amount to emptiness. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for carrying the cross for all of humanity to redeem us. Today, we can carry our cross to follow and serve You because of Your grace. Help us to serve, not with our own strength or wisdom, but with humility and patience, willingly paying the cost. We trust that You will not give us more than we can bear and that Your grace is always sufficient for us. Grant us a heart full of gratitude and joy so that our burdens may become light. May we willingly and faithfully serve You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!