思念天上的事—-歌羅西書3:2[你們要思念上面的事, 不要思念地上的事.][釋義]你是不是每天都低頭在下面找不一些你以為貴重的東西?為何不抬頭向上看看?  你將發現天上有你真正需要的生命寶藏, 在那裹有你滿足的喜樂.  不要思念地上的事, 不是說完全不要思想地上的事, 乃是說不要經常以地上的事為念, 更不要看地上的事過境於上面的事.  地上的事是指世俗的, 物質和屬情慾的事, 也指生活上所需的事, 這些事本身不一定是罪.  心思屬天, 然後生活才會屬天.  信徒在世上, 若要過得勝的生活, 就必須常思念屬天的事.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢何等愛我們, 為我們在天上預備了住處, 以後也要接我們到那裡與祢永遠同住.  求主幫助我們, 在世上還活著的時候, 不要單單顧念地上的事, 追求世俗的財寶和權力, 乃要常常思念和追求天上的事, 因為唯有天上的才是存到永遠的.  求主讓我們在世上的日子, 也能享受從天上而來的平安和喜樂.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Thinking About Heavenly Things — Colossians 3:2 [Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.] [Explanation] Are you constantly looking down, seeking what you believe to be valuable on earth? Why not lift your eyes and look upward? You will discover the true treasures of life and find satisfying joy in heavenly things. To “set your mind on things above” doesn’t mean completely ignoring earthly matters but rather not prioritizing them over heavenly ones. Earthly things refer to worldly, material, and fleshly concerns, including life’s necessities, which are not inherently sinful. When our thoughts are aligned with heaven, our lives will reflect a heavenly nature. For believers to live a victorious life, they must consistently meditate on heavenly matters. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, how great is Your love for us that You have prepared a place in heaven for us to dwell with You forever. Help us, while we are still living on earth, not to focus solely on worldly matters or pursue material wealth and power. Instead, may we constantly think about and seek the things above, as only heavenly treasures are eternal. Grant us peace and joy from above, even as we journey through our days on earth. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen!