信心抬癱子—-馬太福音9:2[有人用褥子抬著一個癱子, 到耶穌跟前來, 耶穌見他們的信心, 就對癱子說:小子, 放心吧!你的罪赦了.][釋義]縋下癱子的過程中, 四個朋友, 彼此體恤, 任勞任怨抬著癱子來找耶穌行神蹟醫治. 在擁擠的群眾中, 他們無視文士和法利賽的議論, 拆了屋頂, 就是要將癱子縋到耶穌的面前.  他們的信心是指抬癱子之人的信心, 不是癱子本人的信心.  相信他們必定充分體會了從神而來的那份愛與承擔.  耶穌先是赦免了癱子的罪, 再吩咐他起來行走, 可見耶穌的救恩, 首在赦罪的救贖. 並有施憐憫的平安恩典.  任何人如果他的罪沒有得到赦免, 他就不能放心.  傳福音的任務, 就是要將人帶到主前, 讓他放心, 用信心去經歷神赦罪與救贖的恩典.  有人正躺臥在褥子上等待擔扶, 引領.  我們願意同心舉起信心的手抬他們來嗎? [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝祢降世為人, 赦免我們的罪孽, 醫治我們的疾病.  透過醫治癱子的神蹟, 我們學習到了在服事上, 如何同心協力. 克服困難. 如何目標專一, 總要領人到主面前來.  願我們藉著這聖靈的引導, 生出仁愛的信心.  在他人的軟弱上看見自己的責任.  使人得到激勵, 願意離開舊有的生活方式, 勇敢相信祢, 跟隨祢, 得著祢所賜豐豐富富的恩典.  願一切榮頌讚歸於祢.  哈利路亞.  阿們!

Faith Carries the Paralytic — Matthew 9:2 [Some men brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”] [Explanation] In the process of lowering the paralytic, four friends showed mutual understanding, tireless effort, and compassion as they carried him to Jesus for healing. Despite the crowd and the judgment of the scribes and Pharisees, they removed the roof to bring the paralytic before Jesus. Their faith refers to the faith of those carrying the paralytic, not the paralytic himself. They must have deeply experienced God’s love and responsibility. Jesus first forgave the paralytic’s sins and then commanded him to rise and walk, demonstrating that salvation begins with the forgiveness of sins and extends to grace and mercy. If someone’s sins are not forgiven, they cannot find true peace. The mission of sharing the Gospel is to bring people before the Lord so they can experience His forgiveness and salvation. There are many who, like the paralytic, are waiting to be carried and led. Are we willing to join hands in faith to bring them to Him? [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for coming into the world to forgive our sins and heal our diseases. Through the miracle of healing the paralytic, we have learned to serve with unity, perseverance, and focus, always striving to lead others to You. May the Holy Spirit guide us to grow in loving faith, see our responsibility in others’ weaknesses, and encourage them to leave their old ways, believe in You, and follow You. May they receive the abundant grace You provide. All glory and praise be to You. Hallelujah. Amen!