大衛的認罪與悔改—-撒母耳記下15:25[王對撒督說:你將神的約櫃抬回城去.  我若在耶和華眼前蒙恩, 祂必使我回來,  再見約櫃和祂的居所.][䆁義]面對兒子押沙龍的叛變, 大衛的反應是:完全信靠順服神.  押沙龍別有用心, 籌謀十年, 贏得了民心及謀士的協助, 終以獻祭為藉口, 到希伯崙稱王, 並追殺自己的父親大衛.  面對這樣的景況, 大衛選擇信靠順服, 將結果交託給神.  他知道這一切的禍患皆起因自己所犯的罪, 導致刀劍必不離開他的家, 他坦然接受, 仍敬畏神.  大衛這樣面對罪的態度, 使他依然是蒙神喜悅的人.  願我們能以此為借鑑. 即或犯過, 都能誠心悔改, 坦然以對面對, 順服敬畏神.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是有憐憫有恩典的神, 不輕易發怒, 並有豐盛的慈愛.  經上說”我們若認自己的罪, 神是信實的, 是公義的, 必要赦免我們的罪, 洗淨我們一切的不義.”  主啊, 願祢以聖靈帶領我們, 幫助我們有面對罪的能力, 坦然無懼的到祢的施恩座前, 在祢完全的愛裡認罪悔改, 並時時儆醒, 遠離罪的挾制與誘惑. 如同大衛一般.  感謝主, 願一切榮耀頌讚歸於祢.  哈利路亞.  阿們!

David’s Confession and Repentance — 2 Samuel 15:23 [Then the king said to Zadok, “Take the ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the Lord’s eyes, he will bring me back and let me see it and his dwelling place again.] [Explanation] When faced with his son Absalom’s rebellion, David’s response was one of complete trust and submission to God. Absalom, with ulterior motives, schemed for ten years, won the people’s hearts, gained the support of counselors, and ultimately used the pretext of offering sacrifices to declare himself king in Hebron, pursuing his father David. In such circumstances, David chose to trust and obey God, leaving the outcome in His hands. He recognized that all these calamities stemmed from his own sins, which brought God’s judgment that the sword would never depart from his household. Even so, David humbly accepted his situation and continued to revere God. David’s attitude toward his sins made him a person after God’s heart, even in the midst of adversity. May we learn from this example: even if we have sinned, we can repent sincerely, face our wrongs openly, and remain obedient and reverent before God. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are a God full of mercy and grace, slow to anger, and abounding in love. Your Word says, “If we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Lord, we pray for Your Holy Spirit to guide us and help us face our sins with courage, coming boldly before Your throne of grace. May we confess and repent in Your perfect love, staying vigilant to avoid the bondage and temptation of sin, just as David did. Thank You, Lord. To You be all glory and praise. Hallelujah. Amen!