大衛的頌歌—-撒母耳記下22:31[至於神, 祂的道是完全的;耶和華的話是煉淨的.  凡投靠祂的, 祂便作他們的盾牌.][釋義]在急難, 瀕臨死亡之際, 大衛屢次懇切向神呼求, 慈愛的神立即救他脫離一切仇敵和掃罗之手, 領他到寛濶之處!神是我們的避難所, 是我們的拯救者.  神的大能遠遠超過人的作為, 神的慈愛憐憫超乎人的想像.  因為神的道是完全的.  只要我們憑信心向神呼求, 走在神引領的道路上, 神必救我們脫離苦難.  我們當用詩歌頌詞牢記神的話, 順服聖靈的感動而常說神的話, 對己對人都有很大的幫助.  我們不必刻意潤飾該說的話, 只要說神的話, 就可以扶助很多人, 因為神的話是煉淨的.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是我的救贖主, 是我在患難中隨時的幫助!  每當我陷入困境時, 只要到主的面前禱告, 向主呼求, 祢必傾聽我的禱告, 從仇敵的手中拯救我;當我孤單無助時, 我投靠祢, 祢就將祢的平安賜給我,  用聖靈安慰扶助我.  主啊, 祢是我的盾牌, 是我的避難所!我要向祢獻上感謝與讚美, 因祢的慈愛永遠長存. 求祢大能的手扶助我, 保護我, 不叫我遇見試探, 救我脫離凶惡.  我們這樣禱告, 求主悅納, 垂聽, 願一切榮耀, 頌讚都歸給天上唯一的真神, 哈利路亞, 阿們!

David’s Song of Praise —2 Samuel 22:31 [As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.] [Interpretation] In times of distress and imminent danger, David fervently called upon God, and the merciful Lord rescued him from all his enemies and from the hand of Saul, leading him to a place of safety! God is our refuge and our Savior. His power far surpasses human capabilities, and His love and mercy exceed human understanding, for His way is perfect. When we cry out to God with faith and walk the path He guides, He will deliver us from our troubles. We should hold fast to God’s word through songs and praises, allowing the Holy Spirit to prompt us to speak His truth regularly. This practice not only strengthens ourselves but also benefits those around us. There is no need to embellish our speech; simply speaking God’s word can bring help and encouragement to many because His word is refined and pure. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are my Redeemer and my ever-present help in times of trouble! Whenever I am in distress, I come before You in prayer and cry out to You, and You listen to my pleas and deliver me from the hands of my enemies. When I feel lonely and helpless, I take refuge in You, and You grant me peace, comforting and strengthening me through the Holy Spirit. Lord, You are my shield and my refuge! I offer You my gratitude and praise because Your love endures forever. May Your mighty hand support and protect me, keep me from temptation, and deliver me from evil. This is my prayer, and I ask that You accept and hear it. May all glory and praise be given to the one true God in heaven. Hallelujah! Amen!