永遠的約—-撒母耳記下23:5[我家在神面前並非如此, 神卻與我立永遠的約.  這約凡事堅穩, 關乎我的一切救恩, 和我一切所想望的, 他豈不為我成就嗎?][釋義]大衛末了的話, 是靠著神的靈感動而說話.  這首詩是大衛信仰的流露, 更是一段奇妙而美好的預言.  將來大衛家必有一位理想君王, 祂慈愛, 信實, 光明, 溫暖, 使大地生氣蓬勃, 綠草如茵, 肥沃豐富. 這位理想君王就是以色列人所盼望的彌塞亞, 就是大衛的子孫, 耶穌基督.  大衛接著說”神與我立永遠的約, 必定親自成就.” 縱使人有不足, 卻不阻礙這約的實現, 最終這約應驗在神的國度裡, 這一切都是神的恩典![禱告]至高榮美的大君王耶穌基督, 祢以公義治理全地, 為我們贖罪, 施行拯救, 又賞賜新生命與盼望, 在祢手中有永遠的福樂, 我們敬畏讚美祢!主啊!  感謝祢, 因祢犧牲寶貴的生命, 留下寶血, 與我們立了新約, 使我們得以進入恩典的國度, 享受主裡的平安喜樂.  我們要遵行祢的吩咐, 時常紀念祢的死與復活, 思想祢的奇妙作為,  直等到主的再來.  我們誠心獻上感恩的祈禱, 求主垂聽悦納, 願主的榮耀彰顯.  哈利路亞, 阿們!

The Everlasting Covenant —2 Samuel 23:5 [Although my house is not so with God, yet He has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure. For this is all my salvation and all my desire; will He not make it increase?] [Interpretation] David’s final words were spoken under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. This psalm reflects his faith and serves as a marvelous and beautiful prophecy. It speaks of an ideal King who will come from David’s house, one who is loving, faithful, radiant, and life-giving, bringing abundance and renewal like fresh green grass upon the earth. This ideal King is the Messiah, the long-awaited hope of Israel, who is none other than Jesus Christ, the descendant of David. David declared, “God has made an everlasting covenant with me and will surely fulfill it.” Despite human shortcomings, they do not hinder the fulfillment of this covenant. Ultimately, this promise is fulfilled in God’s eternal kingdom—a testament to His boundless grace! [Prayer] Exalted and glorious King Jesus Christ, You rule the earth with righteousness, redeem us from sin, bring salvation, and grant us new life and hope. In Your hands are eternal blessings, and we stand in awe and praise of You! Lord, we thank You for sacrificing Your precious life and shedding Your blood to establish a new covenant with us. Through this covenant, we have entered the kingdom of grace and can enjoy peace and joy in You. We commit to following Your commands, remembering Your death and resurrection, and reflecting on Your wondrous works until the day of Your return. We sincerely offer this prayer of gratitude, asking You to hear and accept it. May Your glory be revealed. Hallelujah! Amen!