離棄罪過—箴言28:13[遮掩自己罪過的, 必不亨通; 承認, 離棄罪過的, 必蒙憐恤.][釋義]神曾經吩咐摩西兩次數點百姓, 第一次是為了準備爭戰, 第二次是為了進迦南分地業.  但大衛在神未指示之下, 卻執意要數點百姓, 乃是為了炫耀國力, 因此惹神發怒.  九個月後, 他聽到報告, 也發現自己的罪, 留下懺悔的眼淚, 接受從神而來的瘟疫懲罰.  當大衛看到滅民的天使, 於是在禱告中再次認罪, 更求神把刑罰加在自己身上, 好讓百姓能得著釋放.  以色列民與神和好關係, 因大衛的認罪, 悔改和獻祭, 而得恢復.  [禱告]我們在天上的父, 祢是掌管萬有, 愛我們的主, 滿有豐富慈愛, 願意饒恕世人的過錯.  我們實在不該輕看祢的管教, 因為”遮掩自己罪過的必不亨通; 承認, 離棄罪過的必蒙憐恤.”  求神赦免我們一切的過錯, 並且學習大衛, 犯罪後既認自己的罪又向神求憐憫. 將自己的一生交託給祢, 終生不渝.  主啊!懇求聖靈充滿, 聖靈用說不出的嘆息為我們代求, 即使隱而未現的罪, 都能因流淚悔改的禱告, 蒙神赦免.  這樣禱告求祢垂聽, 願一切榮耀都歸給祢的聖名.  哈利路亞, 阿們!

Forsaking Sin —Proverbs 28:13 [He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.] [Interpretation] God commanded Moses to count the people twice: the first time to prepare for battle and the second time to divide the land of Canaan. However, David, without God’s instruction, insisted on numbering the people, driven by a desire to flaunt his nation’s strength. This act provoked God’s anger. Nine months later, when David received the report, he realized his sin and was filled with remorse, shedding tears of repentance. He accepted God’s punishment in the form of a plague. When David saw the angel of destruction, he prayed again, confessing his sin and pleading with God to direct the punishment upon himself instead of the people so they could be spared. Through David’s confession, repentance, and sacrifices, the Israelites’ relationship with God was restored. [Prayer] Our Father in Heaven, You are the sovereign Lord over all and our loving God, full of abundant mercy and willing to forgive the transgressions of humankind. We should never take Your discipline lightly, for “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” Lord, forgive us for all our wrongdoings, and help us to learn from David, who not only confessed his sin but also sought Your mercy. May we entrust our entire lives to You and remain faithful to You all our days. Lord, we humbly ask for the Holy Spirit to fill us, interceding with groanings too deep for words. May even our hidden sins be revealed through heartfelt prayers of repentance and be forgiven by You. We pray for Your grace and mercy, giving all glory to Your holy name. Hallelujah, Amen!