東方博士—-詩篇40:16[願一切尋求祢的, 因祢高興歡喜. 願那些喜歡祢救恩的, 常說:當尊耶和華為大.][釋義]當耶穌基督降生時, 幾個看到了異象的東方博士, 不但遠道而來, 還帶上珍貴的禮物, 就是為了參拜主.  他們的所言所行, 真是敬畏主的表現.  與之相對的是冷漠的祭司長與文士, 險惡的希律王, 以及無知不安的耶路撒冷百姓. 當希律王聽見東方博士說”有人生下來要做猶太人的王”, 他陰險假意的請博士們幫忙探路, 其實只是為了自己的利益與地位, 並非真心要拜主.  而祭司長與文士雖然可以立即引用經文回答東方博士的提問, 但是他們卻對這件正在應驗的預言, 表現得極其冷漠.  耶路撒冷合城的百姓, 則因對所發生的事無知而感到不安.  這幾等人的反應, 值得我們深思, 究竟你我是哪一類人呢?[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們的救主, 兩千多年前祢道成肉身, 來到世上拯救世人, 為世人的罪背起十字架, 完成了救恩.  祢說, 要回天上為我們預備住處, 末日必將再臨.  如今已是末世之時, 求神賞賜我們屬靈的眼光與智慧, 能如同這群東方博士, 懂得把握時間與機會尋求主, 親近主, 敬拜主.  願我們心中不再掛念世上的事物, 唯喜愛祢的救恩, 期盼主祢快來!這樣獻上禱告, 求主垂聽悦納.  願一切榮耀, 頌讚都歸予祢的聖名, 哈利路亞, 阿們!

The Wise Men from the East —Psalm 40:16 [Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified.] [Interpretation] When Jesus Christ was born, several wise men from the East, guided by a vision, traveled a great distance to worship Him. They brought precious gifts as an expression of their reverence and devotion. Their actions exemplify a heart that honors and fears the Lord. In stark contrast were the indifferent chief priests and scribes, the deceitful King Herod, and the ignorant and unsettled people of Jerusalem. When King Herod heard the wise men proclaim, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?” he feigned interest in worshiping the child but was secretly motivated by selfish ambition and the desire to preserve his position. The chief priests and scribes, though knowledgeable enough to cite Scripture in response to the wise men’s questions, displayed utter indifference toward the fulfillment of prophecy occurring in their midst. Meanwhile, the people of Jerusalem were disturbed and uneasy, showing ignorance and fear rather than understanding. These responses provoke deep reflection. Which of these groups do we resemble? Are we like the wise men, earnestly seeking and worshiping Christ, or like those who were indifferent, deceitful, or ignorant of His coming? [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, our Savior, over two thousand years ago, You became flesh and dwelt among us to save humanity, bearing the cross for our sins and completing the work of salvation. You have promised to return and prepare a place for us, and we await Your glorious second coming. In these last days, grant us spiritual vision and wisdom to be like the wise men from the East—eager to seize the time and opportunity to seek You, draw near to You, and worship You. May our hearts no longer be entangled by the cares of this world but instead delight in Your salvation and long for Your return. We lift this prayer in faith, asking You to hear and accept it. May all glory and praise be unto Your holy name. Hallelujah, Amen!