當選擇的道路—-詩篇25:12[誰敬畏耶和華, 耶和華必指示他當選擇的道路.][釋義]希律王以為新生兒耶穌將來要做屬世的猶太王, 想盡辦法要除掉祂. 因此, 吩咐博士們拜了新生王後, 要回去向他稟報; 但博士們因真神差天使吩咐, 從別的路回去了.  然而, 希律王並沒有因此放棄殺害耶穌, 下令屠殺伯利恆城內及城外兩歲以下許多嬰兒.  奇妙的是, 儘管不斷受到在位者的生命威脅, 耶穌卻平安度過每一次的險境, 除了神高過人意念的計劃以外, 約瑟也在一切事上聽從神的話.  所以得以逃脫希律王的追殺, 在任何事上專心仰賴神, 不憑自己的意思去行, 因此神在一切事上為他指引方向, 最終也成就了神的旨意.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是我慈愛的主, 我的山寨, 我的高臺, 我的救主, 是應當稱頌的.  求袮賞賜我們單純的信心, 不任憑我們用自己的意思去面對生活中的困難,而忘記神所吩咐我們當去做的事.  願我們都能學習約瑟專心仰賴神的心志, 在困苦中仍能記得安靜傾聽神的旨意, 得以脫離在地上的黑暗權勢.  我們這樣獻上禱告, 求祢垂聽悅納.  願一切的榮耀, 頌讚都歸予祢的聖名, 哈利路亞, 阿們!

The Path to Choose —Psalm 25:12 [Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses.] [Interpretation] King Herod believed that the newborn Jesus would one day become an earthly king of the Jews, and he sought to eliminate Him. Herod commanded the wise men to return and report to him after visiting the newborn King. However, God sent an angel to warn the wise men, and they returned home by another route. Herod, undeterred, ordered the massacre of all boys two years old and younger in Bethlehem and its vicinity, hoping to kill Jesus. Yet, despite the continuous threats to His life, Jesus remained safe. This was not only due to God’s plan, which surpasses human understanding, but also because Joseph faithfully obeyed God’s instructions at every turn. By trusting and relying on God rather than his own understanding, Joseph was able to escape Herod’s schemes. In every circumstance, God directed his path and fulfilled His divine purpose. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are my loving Savior, my fortress, my stronghold, and my deliverer. You are worthy of all praise. Grant us a simple and steadfast faith that we may not rely on our own understanding when faced with life’s challenges but instead remain obedient to what You have commanded us to do. Help us to learn from Joseph’s wholehearted trust in You, always listening quietly to Your will even in the midst of trials. May we be delivered from the powers of darkness on earth and walk confidently in the light of Your guidance. We lift this prayer to You, asking You to hear and accept it. May all glory and praise be to Your holy name. Hallelujah, Amen!