謙卑事奉主—-馬太福音3:3, 以塞亞書40:3[這人就是先知以賽亞所說的, 他說:在曠野有人聲喊著說:預備主的道, 修直他的路.][釋義]一般人都希望自己的表現能獲得他人的肯定與讚賞.  受人愛戴的施洗約翰卻很清楚自身的任務, 向當時追隨者他的人, 表明自己是為主預備道路的人, 並𣎴是基督.  他說”主必興旺, 我必衰微.”  教會當中, 有人很會傳福音, 引領很多人來信主; 有人在事工上很有能力, 結出美好的果實. 這樣的恩賜榮神又益人, 但也是對當事人的考驗, 有人就反而因此跌倒了.  其實我們只是無用的僕人, 當盡自己所能為主做工.  施洗約翰的忠心與謙卑值得我們學習.  [禱告]主啊!我們感謝祢藉著施洗約翰的故事, 教導我們要謙卑事奉主.  施洗約翰為基督預備道路, 他雖有巨大的影響力, 卻不以自己的成就為傲, 而是將天國妁事工傳𠄘下去, 謙卑的表示自己就算是給耶穌提鞋也不配.  現今教會有許多事工需要接棒, 傳承, 主啊, 求祢幫助我們檢視自己, 能否謙卑地與同工搭配?能否虛心地接受別人的意見?有無時時禱告求主同工?求主幫助我們, 知道自己只是無用的僕人, 在教會的服事中, 盡門徒的本分為主勞力, 而不是要展示自己的才華與能力. 我們這樣獻上禱告, 求祢垂聽悅納.  願一切的榮耀, 頌讚都歸予祢的聖名.  哈利路亞, 阿們!

Serving the Lord Humbly —Matthew 3:3, Isaiah 40:3 [This is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying: The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.] [Interpretation] Most people desire recognition and praise for their accomplishments. However, John the Baptist, beloved by many, clearly understood his mission. He made it known to his followers that he was merely the one preparing the way for the Lord and not the Christ Himself. He humbly declared, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” In the church, some excel in sharing the gospel, bringing many to Christ. Others are gifted in ministry, bearing much fruit. While such gifts glorify God and benefit others, they also test the heart of the individual. Tragically, some stumble because of their success. In truth, we are all unworthy servants, called only to do our part in God’s work. John the Baptist’s faithfulness and humility are a model for us to follow. [Prayer] Lord, we thank You for teaching us through the story of John the Baptist to serve You humbly. John prepared the way for Christ, wielding great influence but never boasting in his achievements. Instead, he faithfully passed on the ministry of the Kingdom and humbly declared himself unworthy even to carry Jesus’ sandals. Today, many ministries in the church need to be continued and passed down. Lord, help us examine ourselves: Can we humbly work with others? Are we open to accepting others’ ideas? Do we consistently pray and seek Your guidance in our service? Lord, remind us that we are merely unworthy servants. May we faithfully fulfill our roles as disciples in the church, serving not to showcase our talents or abilities but to glorify You. We lift this prayer to You, asking You to hear and accept it. May all glory and praise be to Your holy name. Hallelujah, Amen!