清心的人—-馬太福音5:8[清心的人有福了, 因為他們必得見神.][釋義]當耶穌的名聲傳遍了敍利亞, 許多群眾跟隨耶穌.  有人為得醫治, 有人好奇神蹟. 也有人為了吃餅得飽;耶穌知道人心所想的, 於是上了山, 傳講天國的福音, 教導他們要追求屬於天的福氣.  天國的福氣是無形的, 要用心靈和誠實去追求與看見.  𠄘認自己心靈空虛, 哀傷悲働, 渴慕神的, 必得神的安慰與飽足.  憐恤人, 溫柔待人, 使人和睦的人, 也必定蒙神憐恤, 𠄘受屬靈的地土, 並得稱為神的兒子.  在聖靈裏與神相交, 專心尋求, 必能清心見主!在與神相交裏, 聖靈日漸調整你的心, 清潔你的心, 一直到別的事物在你心裏逐漸朦朧暗淡下去, 主的形象卻清楚地照進來.  這時, 你的心就像一泓清水, 又像對準主的照相機,  就越來越深, 越清楚了, 這就是看見神.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝祢賜下聖靈, 成為保惠師, 讓我們時刻與祢相遇, 享受主所賞賜的平安.  主啊!世上有許多的苦難與誘惑, 撒旦無時無刻不在阻擋我們親近祢.  願主耶穌在登山時向眾人宣講的八福, 可以時刻提醒我們, 要追求屬天的福氣.  求神賜給我們謙卑的心, 追求靈性的成長, 更求神賞賜我們清潔的心, 專心尋求神, 在聖靈中與主相交, 明白十字架的道理. 從而清心的人, 必得見神.   我們這樣的禱告, 求主悅納垂聽, 哈利路亞. 阿們!

The Pure in Heart – Matthew 5:8 [Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.] [Explanation] When Jesus’ name spread throughout Syria, many crowds followed Him. Some sought healing, others were curious about miracles, and some followed just to have their fill of bread. Jesus, knowing the hearts of people, went up the mountain to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. He taught them to pursue blessings that belong to the Kingdom—heavenly blessings that are intangible and must be sought with spirit and truth. Those who recognize their spiritual emptiness, mourn over it, and long for God will find His comfort and satisfaction. Those who are merciful, gentle, and peacemakers will be shown mercy, inherit spiritual blessings, and be called children of God. In communion with God through the Holy Spirit, those who wholeheartedly seek Him will see their hearts cleansed and refined. Over time, as the Holy Spirit works within, worldly distractions fade, and the image of God becomes clearer in their lives. Their hearts become like a clear pool of water or a camera lens focused solely on the Lord. This deepens their spiritual clarity and allows them to see God. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit as our Comforter, allowing us to encounter You and enjoy the peace You grant. Lord, there is much suffering and  temptation in the world, and Satan constantly seeks to hinder us from drawing close to You. May the Beatitudes You proclaimed on the mountain remind us to pursue heavenly blessings. We ask for a humble heart to seek spiritual growth. Lord, grant us pure hearts that focus on seeking You. Through communion with You in the Spirit, may we understand the message of the cross. As the pure in heart, may we see God. This is our prayer. May You accept it and hear us. Hallelujah. Amen!