追求完全—-馬太福音5:48[你們要完全, 像你們的天父完全一樣.]雅各書1:3-4[你們的信心經過試驗, 就生忍耐.  但忍耐也當成功, 使你們成全完備, 毫無缺欠.][釋義]主吩咐屬祂的人當追求完全, 像天父的完全一樣.  這是要我們信靠神, 與祂同行.  並盡心盡力地去追求合神心意的生活.  也是要我們效法基督的慈愛, 公義, 讓聖靈的能力引導幫助我們去做神眼中的完全人.  人無法憑自己的力量, 達到合神心意的完全.  神的道是完全的, 神的話是煉淨的.  我們必須投靠神, 讓祂的愛, 讓主的力量使我們更近乎完全, 蒙主喜悅.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是聖潔的主, 祢是有恩典, 有憐憫的神.  感謝主耶穌, 祢寶血的救恩, 除去我們的罪, 使我們得以聖潔.  因信, 白白稱義. 懇求主的靈, 時常省察我們, 攔阻我們不犯任意妄為的罪, 保守我們的靈命.  願聖靈幫助我們存有完全人的心, 忘記背後, 努力面前, 向神國的標竿直跑, 得基督裡的獎賞.  願一切榮耀, 頌讚, 都歸主的聖名.  哈利路亞, 阿們!

Striving for Perfection – Matthew 5:48 [Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.] James 1:3-4 [Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.] [Explanation] The Lord commands His followers to strive for perfection, as their heavenly Father is perfect. This is a call to trust God, walk with Him, and pursue a life that aligns with His will. It also means emulating Christ’s love and righteousness, allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and enable us to be people of integrity in God’s eyes. Humans cannot achieve perfection through their own strength. God’s Word is perfect, and His promises are pure. We must rely on Him, allowing His love and power to draw us closer to perfection, which pleases Him. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are holy, full of grace, and rich in mercy. We thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your redeeming blood, which cleanses our sins and makes us holy. By faith, we are justified freely. We earnestly ask for the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts continually, prevent us from willful sins, and guard our spiritual lives. May the Spirit help us maintain a heart that desires to be complete, forgetting what is behind and striving for what lies ahead, running toward the goal of Your Kingdom to receive the reward in Christ. May all glory and praise be to Your holy name. Hallelujah, Amen!