不輕易發怒—-箴言19:11[人有見識, 就不輕易發怒, 寛恕別人的過失, 便是自己的榮耀.]雅各書1:19-20[你們各人要快快地聽, 慢慢地說, 慢慢地動怒. 因為人的怒氣並不能成就神的義.]馬太福音5:7[憐恤人的人有福了, 因為他們必蒙憐恤.][釋義]我們很難真心饒恕別人的過犯, 並全然忘記自己所受的侮辱與傷害, 但聖經教導我們, 當盡力以寬容為心. 同情體諒別人, 樂意給別人所不該得的.  神也將我們所不該得的給我們. 我們不要因為別人的不好而影響了我們的心情.  也不要因外界的不如人意而影響了一生的幸福快樂.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是有憐憫慈愛和恩典的神, 祢不輕易發怒.  求祢饒恕我們的過犯, 我們常常很容易生氣得罪人, 我們講不好的話傷害人.  求祢幫我們用愛心包容, 以寛容心接納人, 使我們不輕易發怒, 寛恕別人的過失.  求主幫助我們有堅強的意志, 持守和遵行我們所信的道, 做一位有見識的聰明人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Slow to Anger – Proverbs 19:11 [ person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.] James 1:19-20 [My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.] Matthew 5:7 [Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.] [Explanation] It is challenging to genuinely forgive others’ wrongdoings and forget the insults and hurt we’ve endured. However, the Bible teaches us to strive for a forgiving heart, to show compassion, and to extend grace to others—even when they do not deserve it. After all, God has given us what we do not deserve. We should not allow others’ shortcomings or external disappointments to steal our peace or happiness. Instead, we are called to embody patience, wisdom, and a forgiving spirit, aligning our hearts with God’s character. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are a merciful, loving, and gracious God who is slow to anger. We ask for Your forgiveness for our offenses, as we often become easily angered and hurt others with our words. Please help us to embrace others with love and a forgiving heart, to be slow to anger, and to overlook offenses. Grant us the strength and determination to follow and uphold the teachings we believe in, so we may become wise and discerning individuals. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!