世上的財寶—-馬太福音6:21[你的財寶在哪裏, 你的心也在那裏.][釋義]耶穌告訴我們, 世上的財寶是要讓人使用, 不該讓它影響人的心思意念.  我們面對生活中的各種需求, 常會埋頭苦苦追求世上的財寶, 一不小心, 就可能成為我們與神之間關係的絆腳石.  人得到財寶, 要善用它來榮耀神, 唯有心中有神, 才能發出神的榮光.  耶穌藉著吃喝這基本的民生需求, 讓我們明白, 當人心中願意尊主為大時, 世上的財寶才有意義, 既能為主所用, 也能累財寶於天.  若我們願意這樣思考人生, 天國永生便離我們不遠了.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢曾說”不要憂慮說, 吃甚麼?喝甚麼?穿甚麼?這都是外邦人所求的.  你們需用的這一切東西.  你們的天父是知道的.”  主啊, 我們知道, 人心中的眼睛, 要看見從祢而來的亮光, 人生的道路才能明亮, 不致沈迷在慾望中, 只知追求世上一切的財富.  求主保守我們的心懷意念, 在祢大能的手中, 不致走偏.  願我們時常藉著聖靈的充滿, 讓眼睛明亮看清真正的財寶所在, 知道追求神的國和神的義, 勝過世上罪的綑綁.  感謝主.  願一切榮耀頌歸於祢.  哈利路亞, 阿們!

Treasures on Earth – Matthew 6:21 [For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.] [Explanation] Jesus teaches us that earthly treasures are meant to be used, not to dominate our thoughts or priorities. In our pursuit of life’s necessities, we often focus too heavily on material wealth, which can easily become a stumbling block in our relationship with God. Earthly treasures should be used to glorify God. When our hearts are centered on Him, His light shines through us. Jesus reminds us, through the example of basic needs like food and drink, that when we prioritize God in our lives, earthly treasures gain true purpose. They can then be used for His glory and to store treasures in heaven. If we align our lives with this perspective, the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life are within reach. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You taught us, “Do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ These are the things the pagans run after, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.” Lord, we acknowledge that the eyes of our hearts must see the light that comes from You. Only then will our life’s path be clear, and we will not become trapped by worldly desires, chasing after wealth and possessions. We ask You to guard our thoughts and intentions in Your mighty hands so that we do not stray. May Your Holy Spirit fill us continually, opening our eyes to the true treasures that lie in pursuing Your Kingdom and righteousness, far above the chains of sin. Thank You, Lord, and may all glory and praise be Yours forever. Hallelujah, Amen!