知識與愛心—哥林多前書8:1[論到祭偶象之物, 我們曉得我們都有知識.  但知識是叫人自高自大, 惟有愛心能造就人.][釋義]關於吃祭物, 保羅自己是有知識的, 知道萬物都是神造的, 偶像在世上不算什麼, 所以吃或不吃是否祭過偶像之物, 無損也無益.  但他更知道”知識是叫人自高自大, 惟有愛心能建造人.”這愛就是基督.  所以他為了顧念眾人不見得都有屬靈或世俗的知識, 情願將他的知識暫放一邊, 而俯就無知的眾人, 避免陷入不必要的爭議, 因為無知而好爭辯的人唯恐天下不亂, 這就是基督的原則.  知識既不能解決自已驕傲的問題. 又不能解決別人跌倒, 難處的問題, 只有愛心能兼雙職. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝祢道成肉身施行救恩. 親自為我們示範如何敬神, 如何愛人.  我們時常會以自己的想法為優先, 覺得自己很有知識, 很知道自己在做什麼.  但卻也曾因我們的自高. 而做出了會使別人跌倒的言行, 不僅沒有做到愛人, 更沒有敬畏神.  求神帶領我們. 能以祢的道做為我們遵行的準則, 以愛心做為我們行動的依據.  使我們無論做什麼, 都是為了彰顯神的大能.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Knowledge and Love – 1 Corinthians 8:1 [Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that ‘We all possess knowledge. But knowledge puffs up while love builds up.] [Explanation] Regarding eating food sacrificed to idols, Paul possessed knowledge. He understood that all things are created by God and that idols are nothing. Therefore, whether one eats food sacrificed to idols or not neither benefits nor harms them spiritually. However, Paul also recognized that “knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.” This love is Christ-like love. For the sake of others who might lack spiritual or worldly knowledge, Paul was willing to set aside his knowledge. He chose to accommodate the less informed to avoid unnecessary disputes, following the principle of Christ. Knowledge cannot solve the problem of personal pride or the stumbling of others. Only love can accomplish both. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for becoming flesh and accomplishing the work of salvation. You demonstrated how to revere God and love others. Often, we prioritize our own understanding, thinking we know what we are doing. Yet, our prideful actions or words have caused others to stumble, failing to love others and honor You. Lord, guide us to live according to Your Word and act with love as our foundation. May everything we do reflect Your power and glory. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!