傳揚福音—-馬太福音10:20[因為不是你們自己說的, 乃是你們父的靈在你裡頭說的.][釋義]耶穌差派門徒出去傳福音, 賜給他們權柄, 並告訴他們任務內容, 以及會遇到的困難.  當年, 耶穌吩咐他們說”腰袋裡不要帶金銀銅錢; 行路不要帶口袋;不要帶兩件褂子, 也不要帶鞋和柺杖.”  沒有𢹂帶任何裝備的門徒, 倚靠的是什麼?是對神的信心, 以及聖靈的帶領.  面對信仰的逼迫, 以及世界的爭戰, 我們應當學習的, 就是當時門徒的精神.  單純的信心, 靈裡的仰望, 聖靈的引導, 永遠是屬神之人對抗世界最大的力量及武器.  願我們時時操作練自己的信仰, 面對各式困難逼迫, 不靠己力, 而是尋求父的靈在我們裡頭說的話堅立我們.  [禱告]親愛的主耶紝穌, 感謝祢賜福下常與我們同在的應許, 在我們傳揚神的福音, 對抗世界的爭戰時, 通過聖靈的帶領, 對我們的說話, 引领當行方向, 給予所需的力量及恩典.  主啊!願我們的信心經過操練, 在屬世的爭戰裡, 毅然定睛仰望祢, 憑著信心尋求聖靈的帶領. 常與祢同在, 直到世界的末了.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Proclaiming the Gospel – Matthew 10:20 [For it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.] [Explanation] Jesus sent His disciples to preach the gospel, granting them authority and informing them of their mission and the challenges they would face. He instructed them, saying: “Do not take gold or silver or copper in your belts; no bag for the journey, or extra shirt or sandals or a staff.” What did these disciples, lacking any material provisions, rely on? Their faith in God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In the face of persecution and the battles of this world, we should learn from the disciples’ spirit—faith that is pure, unwavering reliance on God, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. These remain the greatest weapons for God’s people in confronting the world. May we continually exercise our faith, relying not on our own strength but on the Spirit of our Father within us to strengthen and guide us in all circumstances. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your promise to be with us always. As we proclaim the gospel and face the conflicts of this world, we rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us, speak through us, and grant us the strength and grace we need. Lord, we pray that through the testing of our faith, we may fix our eyes on You with steadfast confidence, seeking the leading of Your Spirit. May we remain in Your presence and stand firm in our faith until the end of the age. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!